(04-24-2016, 03:54 AM)YinYang Wrote: Infinity is something I often contemplate, almost daily, and imagining it just leaves me with a sense of overwhelming amazement.
There's something in the Ra material I can't find now, have been looking for a few days, but Ra basically tells Don that any possibility he can imagine, exits elsewhere in the infinite creation.
It leaves me with amazement as well. Definitely one of my favorite things to think about.
Although while some people find the idea of an infinity that "always was" baffling, it made SO MUCH more sense to me then the idea that there was a "beginning" somewhere. Even as a child, I knew that there was something fundamentally distorted about the idea of "beginnings" and "endings". A lot of people linearly think that it was a: nothing, nothing, nothing, and magically and inexplicably, SOMETHING type of creation situation. That never made any real sense to me. But the idea that the base state of existence is infinity or all possibility makes perfect sense to me.
In terms of infinite possibilities like you brought up in your post, I see infinity as the entire collection of all possibilities of consciousness and the "creation" or "octave of densities" as the deliberate narrowing down or refinement on those possibilities till a specific and particular manifestation is coalesced. So in a sense, everything that could exist does exist, and always will, and what creation actually entails is simply the process of temporarily "forgetting" all the stuff we didn't want to be part of this current manifestation or creation. We put on perceptual blinders to all the other aspects of everythingness, and an octave of densities, with specific attributes, then appears to exist. All the other possibilities are still there, sitting in infinity, forever and always, but we have simply narrowed our focus down to the few that suits our collective will at this current focusing point of our being.
"The Creator does not properly create as much as It experiences Itself."