(04-24-2016, 05:43 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: also - in your second and third steps, I would allocate the creation of the time/space and space/time domains as being a singular Step. That is, it would be the coalescing of the parameters of the Material Illusion. This would be the 'play of Light'.
I would agree in a certain sense, but disagree in a slightly other sense. Ra did state that the first 3 distortions happened simultaneously, even though they are hierarchically numbered. "The steps, as you call them, are, at the point of question, simultaneous and infinite."
So from an "outside of time" perspective, I see their simultaneity. I also consider the whole of time/space to be the "universal mind" or the "mind of the Logos". From a hierarchical standpoint, I think time/space preceded space/time.
"The process by which space/time comes into continuum form is a function of the careful building, shall we say, of an entire or whole plan of vibratory rates, densities, and potentials. When this plan has coalesced in the thought complexes of Love, then the physical manifestations begin to appear; this first manifestation stage being awareness or consciousness."
The "coalescing in the thought complexes of Love" from my view, *IS* the time/space or "inner" structure of our universe being refined, calibrated, and created. It then appears as an inverted reflection as the "universal body" of the Logos, i.e. the entirety of space/time -- the "outer structure". Of course, inner and outer are terms that, in this context, have definition only relative to the Logoic self.
Spirit (raw intelligence) finds focus as Mind (the Self Reflecting/Knowing Principle), and then reflects itself in Matter (Body). And we are all microcosms of that universal Logos and its structure.
Edit: to clarify -- I think structured or "organized" space/time and time/space was part of the third distortion, though I believe there was a sort of "primal" space/time and time/space as soon as the 2nd distortion found focus as the Logos, simply because the moment a "self" forms there is an "inner/outer" aspect created reflexively by that egoic structure. This primal mind was then refined in the third distortion, and then its material reflection manifested as the physical universe (the natural inverted analog manifestation to time/space).