04-24-2016, 05:43 AM
also - in your second and third steps, I would allocate the creation of the time/space and space/time domains as being a singular Step. That is, it would be the coalescing of the parameters of the Material Illusion. This would be the 'play of Light'.
The Logos chooses the particular parameters of it's own Architecturation.
15.21 Wrote:The first distortion, free will, finds focus. This is the second distortion known to you as Logos, the Creative Principle or Love. This intelligent energy thus creates a distortion known as Light.
The Logos chooses the particular parameters of it's own Architecturation.
27.17 Wrote:The nature of the vibratory patterns of your universe is dependent upon the configurations placed upon the original material or light by the focus or Love using Its intelligent energy to create a certain pattern of illusions or densities in order to satisfy Its own intelligent estimate of a method of knowing Itself.