10-02-2010, 05:11 PM
(10-02-2010, 03:31 PM)thefool Wrote: We already covered biases, didn't we. We all have biases that is what makes us different. It will be delusional to think that we should not have any biases. I don't think it is indoctrination though as my thought have changed extreme liberal to rather conservative based upon my own observations.
from the usage of word liberal, and conservative, i understand that you are an american. word liberal is used in america instead of social democrat. moreover, it is used rather in the opposite meaning around europe. however, the practice of that there cannot even go near socialism, social democracy as it has been employed in europe.
cultural differences, traits, define everything.
observe top 10 countries in regard to humanely important development. most of these have been employing social democrat governments for long durations in the last 60 years.
(10-02-2010, 09:51 AM)unity100 Wrote: That is not correct based upon my experience and observations. I find that western system is not perfect but provides more choices and ability to drive your own life. While the socialism systems are run by dictatorship.
totally to the contrary.
the current western system is the perfect negative sts enslavement system. entities, are enslaved by their own free will in that system.
everything requires money. even being able to access any opportunity that would require your chances, require money. (college, investment, capital etc). if you are born to a poor family, chances are very low that you will get any opportunities.
healthcare requires money. if you dont have money, you dont receive proper healthcare. you simply left to die slowly with token treatment. its even worse in some places apparently.
food requires money. if you dont have money, you will have to oblige with charities, most of which carry accompanying philosophical, religious or other undertones and indoctrination with them. moreover, you wont be even able to rely on even them for too long.
justice requires money. the more money you have, the more justice you get. big corporations easily trample citizens, and even class action lawsuits as such in usa recently are not coming up too good.
money buys laws, and changes everything.
everything requires money, and the more of that you have, you can have more of that. the less, less.
current western system creates a hierarchical food chain, which is a pyramid. lets see an example :
as you can see, bottom 80% of the society, gets only 15% of total wealth.
whereas, top 1% has a whopping 35% of total wealth. with the addition of next 4%, top 5% of society owns a whopping 62% of total worth. if you dare add the next top 5% to that, it becomes such a picture :
90% of society can only get 27%, whereas top 10% owns 72% of entire wealth.
this is worse than the distribution of income/wealth in middle ages, during serfdom. back then, serfs laboring the land for lord had 33% rights to all produce from the land, and, economy was exclusively, almost entirely, land based. therefore, it can easily be said that, distribution of wealth, and actually means of generating wealth, was more fair. church had 33%, and lord had 33% rights, by feudal law.
so, currently the situation in america is worse than middle ages.
also there is the 'competition' issue. competition, instead of cooperation and collaboration, is a token of negative systems. one gets the thing, the others gets nothing, or less. its a perfect excuse for inequality.
there are a lot more pointers.
ironically, i have been a right wing, 'free-market', 'capitalist' person throughout 33 years. and my education too. only recently, merging all i know from history, spiritualism and recent events and statistics, woke me up to the deal.
(10-02-2010, 09:51 AM)unity100 Wrote: Well !!! I go by what has been the history so far. And there is a reason it has failed every time regardless of the cultural parameters. There is a reason for this. Whenever there is a concentration of power in few hands (the group that is allocating the resources); the corruption sets in. This is regardless of the culture as human condition is the same.
as you can see from human development index, nothing has failed.
the history written and spoken in america, consciously ignores the socialist governments which dominated northern europe for the last 60 years. in some of those countries the system is free market only in name, almost. with personal income taxes being so high, and the social security network being that strong.
americans are intentionally being left in the dark about countries which are doing phenomenally better than them, so that they will be content and happy with what they have.
and if it comes to it, concentration of power and distribution of resources speedily sets into the hands of a few private elite in capitalist systems. because these owners are private, you dont have any legal rights to challenge them, and you cant do anything against them. unless you prevent that concentration from happening, like the measures against monopoly put by theodore roosevelt. had these measures not been taken at the turn of the century, usa would entirely be owned by 6 to 10 wealthy individuals, with no reprise.
now, it is being owned by 6 to 10 big conglomerates, eventually unfolding to the ownership of similar number of families through proxies anyway.
(10-02-2010, 09:51 AM)unity100 Wrote: The true freedom allows you to do what you choose to do even though it my seem destructive.
In this scenario- other entities will end up using their freedom to self defense and safety. The higher entities may also intervene. Or everyone just enjoy this whole blowing off experience. Off to the next planet; yipee... no pain no fear just experience....Self governance does not translate into no governance. It does means no one is dictating to you, the dos and the don'ts...
This scenario is likely in 4D negative as it is quite different and I have been talking for 4D positive only unless mentioned specifically.
what you say means that there is no freedom as such you speak of in 4d. my desire to play with a fusion reactor was prevented. i wasnt able to play with a fusion reactor on that planet, therefore, my freedom was dictated by other parties.
in the case every entity enjoys that blowing off, i may incarnate again, and do it again, even if the other entities do not desire that experience.