---->I like this a lot. There certainly is a mystery surrounding Jesus. I wrote an extensive reflection called, "The Jesus Event," (https://christandlawofone.wordpress.com/...sus-event/) where I attempt to see that the Logos ushered in a new energetics with Jesus. I am trying to be faithful to both Ra and some Christian thoughts. Here are two paragraphs from the article that sum up my thinking.
"I have come to believe that Ra did state the truth that Jesus was a "creature" and not the unique incarnation of God, as the central tradition of Christianity claims. Yet, Ra wasn't able to see what Christ was up to through the incarnation of the entity that later became known as Jesus. A much grander revelation was afoot that even an angelic presence like Ra couldn't understand or grasp. From this standpoint, I affirm that Jesus was a special, unique incarnation of God! What I'm just saying is that he was not THE special, unique incarnation of God. For as we will see below, all of creation, including all of the visible and invisible worlds, is God Incarnate. Jesus, you, and I all make up the "Many-ness" of the Infinite Creator; and the real difference between the Creator and the creature lies between the level of conscious awareness of this inherent union.
Six Revelations
In what may be referred to as the "Jesus Event," the Infinite Creator broke into third density Earth to offer humanity what I see as six interrelated revelations: 1) God is merciful and loving, not wrathful and petty; 2) any difference between God and creation is an illusion; 3) the Incarnation reveals that all of creation is the Body of God and therefore materiality is the fullness of divine expression, not the "left-overs" of some divine "trickle-down" condensation; 4) Love as the primary expression of God flows as a certain dynamic in what Christian's call the Pascal Mystery; 5) Relationality as an approach to God is a key to opening the heart chakra; which is important because; 6) a planetary shift into the fourth density was around the corner and the God revealed in the person of Jesus an en vivo, live-action view of what this new density would be like.
"I have come to believe that Ra did state the truth that Jesus was a "creature" and not the unique incarnation of God, as the central tradition of Christianity claims. Yet, Ra wasn't able to see what Christ was up to through the incarnation of the entity that later became known as Jesus. A much grander revelation was afoot that even an angelic presence like Ra couldn't understand or grasp. From this standpoint, I affirm that Jesus was a special, unique incarnation of God! What I'm just saying is that he was not THE special, unique incarnation of God. For as we will see below, all of creation, including all of the visible and invisible worlds, is God Incarnate. Jesus, you, and I all make up the "Many-ness" of the Infinite Creator; and the real difference between the Creator and the creature lies between the level of conscious awareness of this inherent union.
Six Revelations
In what may be referred to as the "Jesus Event," the Infinite Creator broke into third density Earth to offer humanity what I see as six interrelated revelations: 1) God is merciful and loving, not wrathful and petty; 2) any difference between God and creation is an illusion; 3) the Incarnation reveals that all of creation is the Body of God and therefore materiality is the fullness of divine expression, not the "left-overs" of some divine "trickle-down" condensation; 4) Love as the primary expression of God flows as a certain dynamic in what Christian's call the Pascal Mystery; 5) Relationality as an approach to God is a key to opening the heart chakra; which is important because; 6) a planetary shift into the fourth density was around the corner and the God revealed in the person of Jesus an en vivo, live-action view of what this new density would be like.