04-01-2016, 02:40 PM
Thanking the Bring4th Forums
Date: 2 April, Saturday
Time: 10AM EST, 3PM London, 1am Sydney (following day)
Location: Chatroom 2 - the Lounge
Theme: a simple one this week. And been a while since we've tuned into the Forum zeitgeist.
Fact is, the membership is constantly changing. Some periods have been singled out as being 'golden' or 'silver', and it's always the current situation that is seen as being barren, and deprived of genius. And yet, that would be devaluing the kind of activity being present. Whenever positive entities are present - and I have no doubt that the Law of One speaks strongly to positives, and draws them together into this incubator environment - then all manner of opportunities are available. For learning, for sharing, for fun even. It just takes the open and awake eyes to perceive and appreciate.
This was Ra speaking of the doubling effect:
Ra was speaking of those in close relationship, but I believe still is in effect when the intentions are pure enough.
so hey, this is a golden space. It deserves some valuation
Date: 2 April, Saturday
Time: 10AM EST, 3PM London, 1am Sydney (following day)
Location: Chatroom 2 - the Lounge
Theme: a simple one this week. And been a while since we've tuned into the Forum zeitgeist.
Fact is, the membership is constantly changing. Some periods have been singled out as being 'golden' or 'silver', and it's always the current situation that is seen as being barren, and deprived of genius. And yet, that would be devaluing the kind of activity being present. Whenever positive entities are present - and I have no doubt that the Law of One speaks strongly to positives, and draws them together into this incubator environment - then all manner of opportunities are available. For learning, for sharing, for fun even. It just takes the open and awake eyes to perceive and appreciate.
This was Ra speaking of the doubling effect:
Ra Wrote:Secondly, we would note that effect which we have learned to call the doubling effect. Those of like mind which together seek shall far more surely find.
Ra was speaking of those in close relationship, but I believe still is in effect when the intentions are pure enough.
Ra Wrote:The various unmanifested activities of the self were found to be productive in some degree of penetration of the veil. In general, we may say that by far the most vivid and even extravagant opportunities for the piercing of the veil are a result of the interaction of polarized entities.
so hey, this is a golden space. It deserves some valuation