(03-30-2016, 12:04 PM)anagogy Wrote: Continuing the Christian interpretation of the metaphysics of intelligent infinity -- the collective consciousness, Logos, or Son/sun is essentially what is known as the "Christ Consciousness". Any being who attains enlightenment in this world becomes consciously a part of that violet ray Christ consciousness. Jesus, according to some people attained Christ consciousness. As well as Buddha and many others throughout the ages. And people got confused and came to the conclusion that Jesus, the person, was more special than other men. In reality, everybody is Christ. Thus everybody suffers for the "sins" of humanity, because we are all Christ. You can see where all the fairy tales that the adults told the children went wrong and got it half right, and half wrong. And it is the "sacrifice" of the "little self" that results in conscious identification with the Big Self. You sacrifice that little self by purely, at a deep metaphysical layer, forgiving all others for anything they have done to you "for they know not what they do", which then karmically absolves you of your own transgressions against others, and voila, the balance of that act frees your consciousness to inhabit broader orbits of infinity. Pure forgiveness of others is a pure disavowal of the ego.
This was beautifully put, and it's a shame that Christianity is so distorted nowadays. I wonder sometimes if Ra has the responsibility of recouping the damage from their "appearing in the flesh" and being worshipped as Gods, if Jesus doesn't have a similar responsibility.
And I have also wondered whether the miracles he was able to perform wasn't perhaps "stopped" afterwards, or the Confederation thought it better not to give wanderers such a great remembrance/thin veil as Jesus had, because it would seem that it's precisely something appearing miraculous or other-worldly that causes damage.