10-01-2010, 06:45 PM
I am usually more of a feeler, too, Gemini. I think I'm a bit of a synethesiac because I tend to feel colors and sounds and sometimes I see feelings. Occasionally certain sounds have obvious colors to them as well. I can sometimes see auras, but it's something I have to focus hard to do...it doesn't just happen, though I can usually "feel" what colors are in a person's aura. I learn with my sense of touch- the more I can put my hands on something and feel it out in the process, the quicker I will absorb information. Someone can *tell* me over and over how to do something, or even *show* me, but it pretty much means nothing until I can *do* it for myself.
Lately things have been becoming a lot more visual to me, and it's exciting for me to have this perception extending into another one of my five senses.
By the way, what did you mean by when you "shift"? My first instinct was shapeshifting, but I get the feeling that isn't what you were talking about.
Lately things have been becoming a lot more visual to me, and it's exciting for me to have this perception extending into another one of my five senses.
By the way, what did you mean by when you "shift"? My first instinct was shapeshifting, but I get the feeling that isn't what you were talking about.