03-19-2016, 03:58 PM
(03-19-2016, 12:22 AM)Zach Wrote:Grandiose delusions are also attractive to inner plane neggies.(01-25-2016, 04:37 PM)1109 Wrote: The inner planes are crawling with negative entities and thought forms that might be attracted to an entity that vibrates in resonance with them to some degree. It's also possible to receive negative thought forms from incarnate other-selves. I think it's pretty rare that an entity is being directly targeted by an emissary from the Orion empire.
This. Also Keeping in my that there are many, many hierarchical structures within the Orion Group. I imagine there are those on a lower level who work with many inner planes entities of Earth. I also think whether one has been aware of the offered temptations or not it seems to me pretty inevitable that at some point during a persons (wanderers especially) spiritual journey they will be greeted/tempted...the power and intention behind the greeting varying. For the lower level greetings that may or may not be orion affiliated, I've seen them kind of like the inevitability of bugs and food/water. During the warm months, SOME bugs are pretty much inevitable. When you prepare food, it lets off a smell they are drawn. The question is what are you preparing?
They also persist with the energising thoughts of self sabotage. So if you ever feel tempted to destroy things, they are probably lurking around and egging you on. Like when I pick up my hammer at work and I have a flash image of whacking my own face with it. If I wasn't feeling any inner aggression in the first place, such images would not surface in my consciousness.
I also feel rather validated by such greetings because it reverb's back to my conscious, "s*** dude! you really are serious about serving the Creator!"
I personally relate to the Creator as my father (the father I never had in my life), so its an ideal call to the cosmos when I say "I really need you dad!"