03-18-2016, 11:41 PM
By way of follow-up, from my daily readings/prayers, is this important passage from, The Law of One, Book II, Session 46, page 102, about how we "process" the catalyst of anger.
"Control is the key to negatively polarized use of catalyst. Acceptance is the key to positively polarized use of catalyst. Between these polarities lies the potential for this random and undirected energy creating a bodily complex analog of what you call the cancerous growth of tissue."
Here is the key to understanding what causes cancer to grow. A seed is planted. What is this seed? It is "random and undirected energy" flowing between "Control" and "Acceptance." We are confronted in our daily lives by much anger. It is in the "news" media, entertainment, "counseling," "religion," "politics," all walks of human social life. Anger in regard to surly teens. Anger around the family dinner table, if such a thing still exists. Anger on a date. Anger in the workplace. Anger in traffic or on mass transit in the work commute. Anger at self and other-self. Constant irritation and frustration. Knee-jerk reactions and labelling. I remember all these sources of anger all too well.
We have a choice in each moment. Let's Make a Consciously Aware Deal with our Souls:
Door #1: denial/suppression, Ra says that does not lead to spiritual growth unless it is done to protect another-self's safety, what is suppressed tends to built up more steam and erupt like a volcano. Or it oozes out slowly and pollutes everything.
Door #2: Acceptance. Accept the energy behind the anger and ask it what it wants, what need of the soul is not being met or expressed? Is there a righteous cause behind it? Like Rosa Parks refusing to sit in the back of the bus? Is it like Ralph Nader refusing to accept cars without seat belts that could have saved a dear friend's life? Refusing to accept lies about marijuana? About police abuse? About discrimination against disabled and particularly on the basis of a language preference, or on the basis of a personal religious belief? Gender discrimination? Social media censorship? Illegal campaign contributions? Lawyers lying under oath to judges? Pedophilia? Teens physically abusing their parents with immunity? Animal abuse? GMO labelling? Toxic public drinking water? Chemtrails? Toxic vaccines? Idiot experts? Corrupt courts and social workers selling children?
The list of my own righteous causes grows allowing many options for the positively polarized soul to choose a positive expression in service to others similarly situated. It is for this reason I have often used a "civil rights" framework or a legal framework to label my own pet peeves. If I cannot restate the complaint as a class action, it's ego. That's my personal test. I do not ask others to do anything I have not done myself.
All too often we settle for the slim pickins behind Door #3: control. Or what passes for the illusion or delusion that any of us can or ever will control anger, anymore than we can hold sand in our fingers or make the wind blow in a particular direction. We begin to heal when we recognize that we HAVE this free choice, and it IS OUR choice. The cancers grow when too much anger is allowed to float around without being accepted or controlled. That is the implication here. Understanding this piece: we can choose acceptance/transformation instead of repression, conformity and dis-ease, builds on the knowledge that my soul is pure, I do not have to suffer, I have paid my dues. In each moment, this pure soul receives catalyst, and in each moment it makes a new decision: repress, accept, control. This choice feeds or starves the seed which becomes a cancer, but only if we let that happen.
"Control is the key to negatively polarized use of catalyst. Acceptance is the key to positively polarized use of catalyst. Between these polarities lies the potential for this random and undirected energy creating a bodily complex analog of what you call the cancerous growth of tissue."
Here is the key to understanding what causes cancer to grow. A seed is planted. What is this seed? It is "random and undirected energy" flowing between "Control" and "Acceptance." We are confronted in our daily lives by much anger. It is in the "news" media, entertainment, "counseling," "religion," "politics," all walks of human social life. Anger in regard to surly teens. Anger around the family dinner table, if such a thing still exists. Anger on a date. Anger in the workplace. Anger in traffic or on mass transit in the work commute. Anger at self and other-self. Constant irritation and frustration. Knee-jerk reactions and labelling. I remember all these sources of anger all too well.
We have a choice in each moment. Let's Make a Consciously Aware Deal with our Souls:
Door #1: denial/suppression, Ra says that does not lead to spiritual growth unless it is done to protect another-self's safety, what is suppressed tends to built up more steam and erupt like a volcano. Or it oozes out slowly and pollutes everything.
Door #2: Acceptance. Accept the energy behind the anger and ask it what it wants, what need of the soul is not being met or expressed? Is there a righteous cause behind it? Like Rosa Parks refusing to sit in the back of the bus? Is it like Ralph Nader refusing to accept cars without seat belts that could have saved a dear friend's life? Refusing to accept lies about marijuana? About police abuse? About discrimination against disabled and particularly on the basis of a language preference, or on the basis of a personal religious belief? Gender discrimination? Social media censorship? Illegal campaign contributions? Lawyers lying under oath to judges? Pedophilia? Teens physically abusing their parents with immunity? Animal abuse? GMO labelling? Toxic public drinking water? Chemtrails? Toxic vaccines? Idiot experts? Corrupt courts and social workers selling children?
The list of my own righteous causes grows allowing many options for the positively polarized soul to choose a positive expression in service to others similarly situated. It is for this reason I have often used a "civil rights" framework or a legal framework to label my own pet peeves. If I cannot restate the complaint as a class action, it's ego. That's my personal test. I do not ask others to do anything I have not done myself.
All too often we settle for the slim pickins behind Door #3: control. Or what passes for the illusion or delusion that any of us can or ever will control anger, anymore than we can hold sand in our fingers or make the wind blow in a particular direction. We begin to heal when we recognize that we HAVE this free choice, and it IS OUR choice. The cancers grow when too much anger is allowed to float around without being accepted or controlled. That is the implication here. Understanding this piece: we can choose acceptance/transformation instead of repression, conformity and dis-ease, builds on the knowledge that my soul is pure, I do not have to suffer, I have paid my dues. In each moment, this pure soul receives catalyst, and in each moment it makes a new decision: repress, accept, control. This choice feeds or starves the seed which becomes a cancer, but only if we let that happen.