(03-18-2016, 09:21 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: For me, the Lovers card revealed that on the deepest level, polarity is about a relationship to one's own deep mind. Even though STO and STS is expressed in relationship to other selves on a practical level, the whole 'configuration' of polarity is within oneself, and that's where 'polarization' actually occurs. This Lovers card shows either a respectful approach to the self/deep-mind, or one that is rapacious and hijacking/exploitative. This attitude, impressed internally, then can't but help be expressed externally. So for me, that placed much less weight on 'outward service', which will happen automatically, and puts the emphasis on conscious self-relationship.
This falls well within my understanding, ultimately other-selves are a projection of self and as such however self acts in regards to other-selves is a mirror on how self is viewed by itself.
A STS entity does not wish to be given by others, it mainly would desire to harvest to fruits of his own labor and willpower. As such it will act with others accordingly as it views itself. I think it is well to note here, that each of us do chose the STS path through the cause and effect of those who did, as such it seems that experiences make one view itself/others as such.
(03-18-2016, 09:21 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: In terms of the Moon card, which shows a pivot point in relation to the spirit complex, it showed how the 2 paths can usefully utilize each other to further accentuate their own choice (made in the Mind series of cards). The difficulties and miseries that negatives offer to the world are an immense challenge for positives to comprehend and accept (which deepens their choice of acceptance, if worked with), and for negatives, seeing positive people makes them mock the positive path even more, and encourages them to find further ways to undermine and deceive (using the confusion inherent in 3d). It gives them a stronger target to work with (rather than just trying to outsmart other negatives), and offers even more abundant ways exploit and tamper. And the brighter the target, the more juicier the challenge. You get props for taking down big positive targets, not the beginner newbies. If you want to be king, you challenge the heavyweights - and tempt the likes of Jesus and the Buddha. So both paths work in the half-lit light of the Moon ... but they utilize it to vastly different ends.
I think in regards to the two path looking into the other, Darkness makes the Light brigther and Light makes Darkness darker. Each reinforces the other.
A STO entity that sees darkness in others will have it's desire to be light accentuated, it will see it's ways as more valorous. A STS entity that sees light in others will have it's desire to be darkness accentuated, it will see it's ways as more cowardly.