09-30-2010, 05:16 PM
Questioner... I am so sorry my brother. Those are some hard catalysts to deal with, no doubt about that. I recall from your previous threads that your immediate family had a significant level of dysfunction particularity with regard to your mother, but I didn't know that they regarded you with such hostility. If it is of any help, please know that you are regarded with love here. You seem like a very well balanced, loving and intelligent person from all I have read from you- that is a huge feat for anyone to accomplish even if they are sponsored by the best parents. Kudos to you, my friend.
Your father is, I have no doubt, sending you lots of love and light each day that you continue in your incarnational journey. You've probably already seen me recommend this book to others, but you might investigate 'Journey of Souls' by Michael Newton. It's a complete description of our in-between incarnation experiences as told by several witnesses speaking from a regressed state. One in particular case may resonate with you, in which this person met with an entity who played the role of an abusive parent a few lives back. There was much forgiving and learning done by all.
Many times, I believe, we choose to put ourselves in close proximity to people who will hurt us in some way along our life path. These choices make little sense to us once we are engaged in the role, but the harvest of experience you gain from such hard times must truly be worth the work. I suspect this is true of your experiences- you certainly come off as one who has the mantle of great wisdom. I do not intentionally mean to elevate you to Yoda status
But what I say is sincere for what it is worth.
Yours in L/L,
Your father is, I have no doubt, sending you lots of love and light each day that you continue in your incarnational journey. You've probably already seen me recommend this book to others, but you might investigate 'Journey of Souls' by Michael Newton. It's a complete description of our in-between incarnation experiences as told by several witnesses speaking from a regressed state. One in particular case may resonate with you, in which this person met with an entity who played the role of an abusive parent a few lives back. There was much forgiving and learning done by all.
Many times, I believe, we choose to put ourselves in close proximity to people who will hurt us in some way along our life path. These choices make little sense to us once we are engaged in the role, but the harvest of experience you gain from such hard times must truly be worth the work. I suspect this is true of your experiences- you certainly come off as one who has the mantle of great wisdom. I do not intentionally mean to elevate you to Yoda status

Yours in L/L,