Quote:And still we act as if we are separate from it. Why?
Why do we have no problem destroying whole forests just so our lives would be easier?
Why do we torture animals just so we could eat tastier food?
Why do we test our weaponry and destroy lands with devastation and radiation just to fight our wars?
Why do we enslave animals for our amusement and profit making at a zoo?
Why do we pollute the air this planet provides for ALL life forms?
We made ourselves separate for our own selfish needs.
It's simple, I think: several billions of years in an animal body, constantly feeling vulnerable and practicing living only in order to satisfy one's own appetites and protect one's own body and, perhaps, some very close kin.
Then the soul arrives, abstract thinking develops, and it becomes possible to accumulate resources beyond one's immediate needs - so one can begin to have unlimited wants. The ego (animal separation-based consciousness) in us likes this a lot!
Add a particularly heavy veil to make sure that any hints of underlying oneness are minimal glimpses, effortless to ignore.
And for extra spice, throw in a good number of souls from Mars, Maldek, etc. whose soul-level personality shells have been shaped by eons of continuous warfare (even leading to planetary or biosphere destruction) on their home worlds, who failed to graduate.
Stir in some negative influence from 4th and 5th density STS beings, for whom the Earth is a valuable source of food (they literally feed on negative emotion).
And I think you have a perfect recipe for where we are.
Why would someone choose difficult circumstances? Because there is a benefit to it at the other end (if one manages to spiritually overcome that adversity and not be crushed by it, i.e. not become like the hateful things one sees around oneself, not join the Dark Side by becoming like it). I once met a person who was in excruciating pain all over the body, grew up in a sexually and physically abusive household, had PTSD from combat - I was just overwhelmed with what this one human being had gone through. And I was very clearly and unequivocally told by my guides: there are no victims. In this person's case, the experiences were deliberately chosen because of the payoff at the other end. I had a hard time accepting this at first, but the message was crystal, crystal clear.
Why do we deliberately choose to go to the gym and make our bodies hurt?
This world is a spiritual gym. The Creation exists in bliss. The suffering we experience is a thin veneer on that experience, but because of the veil we only perceive the veneer, and are overwhelmed by it. It truly is a role playing game, fully immersive beyond what human technology can envision.
So if this is a gym, what are we training towards? Learning to find Truth within Illusion at all times.
See separation, but perceive and act based on Oneness.
See threat, but perceive and act based on Love (universal, unconditional goodwill towards all).
See awful things, but perceive and act on an opportunity to accept what is, and offer what one can (even if it's only the healing energy of love) to promote healing, knowing that in the True Reality, all is ever well.