(02-19-2016, 08:16 AM)GentleWanderer Wrote:(02-19-2016, 07:40 AM)Papercut Wrote: If say you discovered the Law of One in this life time, and progressed with your own phase towards reaching the one creator. Be in what way you want it to be.
However you haven't quite reached to 4th density and your time on this plane has ended, you die and reincarnate once again in this 3rd density planet.
Many teachers say there is a big shift happening now on this planet. Even if there is a lot of chaos now, planet Earth is slowly becoming a Christed planet and everything is going to change for the better.
Quote:Is all the progress lost since you don't remember anything?
All your actions, thoughts, emotions and intentions, all that you have learned is recorded somewhere (in the Soul i think). In most if not all cases when reincarnating we tend when some of our personality traits, even some body traits. It is said for example that if someone is a genius in some domain it is because he has worked hard in this domain in several previous lifetime. Also some difficulties we encounter in this life may be caused by karma acquired in previous lifetimes.
Quote:What if you are born to a poor family in a bad country that has a not of negativity thus forcing you to live in fear and pushing you toward negative actions and thinking.
What does it matter how many times I make this cycle if what decides my fate is the place I am born at, and the parents that raise me. There are so many countries including mine that suffer terrorism and unnecessary hate. So many bad parents that abuse their children, whom then grow in suffering and trauma.
This is never ending, we cannot escape this.
It is said that we choose our parents before incarnation, and that we know the political situation of the country in which we will be born, we know the personality, intelligence, genetics, talents, the financial situation of our parents, if they really love each others... Even if we are born in difficult situations, it is said to offer us an opportunity for maximum growth and evolution.
Why would I choose to be born in an abusing family? A country that's in war and hatred?
I don't want this, I don't need this. I'm scared to walk the streets just to not get stabbed.
The world may be changing in a good spiritual way.
But does it really matter? The ones in charge are the governments, and they don't care about spirituality, peace or the Law of One.
All they care about is power, money, manipulation, and war. They own us. Nothing you will say/show/prove will matter.
They know aliens exists, they know we didn't build the pyramids. Even Ra said that the US has this knowledge, alien technology. Does it matter? No. It's being used as weaponry.
You can't stop them, it's far too late. Here in the middle east war is inevitable.
Many high density entities tried to help us in the past, when we didn't posses such war weaponry. when governments weren't this strong, and still. still it did not matter.
Why would it be any different now? Every generation is sure that this is their time, this is when everything changes.
They knew about the law, they knew about the spiritual afterlife. It didn't matter, this is human nature. We are monsters. We are greed. We need to start over.
Machinery will destroy this planet so quickly we will not reach 4th density. This is science fact. The planet and all of it's beautiful life forms are suffering because of us.