02-09-2016, 08:11 PM
I feel like there is a lot of confusion in regards to the topic of "soul retrieval". It's not that you are losing chunks or splinters of your "soul", rather, it is that portions of your subconscious attention are being directed into destructive patterns of consciousness. In other words, you have some malware operating in the background of your consciousness you need to clean up. I can understand the confusion, however, because if you plumb the depths of the orange ray layer of your consciousness (I call it the "dream layer" because most people dream here at night) you come across all sorts of "aspects" of yourself that manifest as objective symbols. So I can understand how a shaman might be plumbing the depths of another's orange ray, or their own orange ray, and come across these aspects of self and think of them as splinters of someones soul that need integrating. It isn't exactly like that, but I can see how someone would confusedly interpret i that way.