04-01-2009, 11:44 AM
Hello there,
I know this lake of grief very well, and I have been there many times (although I always thought of it as a river, so maybe we were in neighbouring counties). We do seem to have this amazing ability to absorb and retain the pain of others. In my case some of the grief was my own, but much of it wasn't, but in the beginning (I was 5 years old the first time) it was impossible to see this clearly. It's important to know that even though we do feel the pain of others, there's no need to hold on to it. Seems like you had a very powerful spiritual experience to show you the way. Keep walking your path! You are aiding in the healing of the earth.
I know this lake of grief very well, and I have been there many times (although I always thought of it as a river, so maybe we were in neighbouring counties). We do seem to have this amazing ability to absorb and retain the pain of others. In my case some of the grief was my own, but much of it wasn't, but in the beginning (I was 5 years old the first time) it was impossible to see this clearly. It's important to know that even though we do feel the pain of others, there's no need to hold on to it. Seems like you had a very powerful spiritual experience to show you the way. Keep walking your path! You are aiding in the healing of the earth.