01-17-2016, 02:09 PM
(01-17-2016, 09:49 AM)spero Wrote: Lastly, there was an interesting article i read the other day that highlighted that the condition of being or identifying as trans does not always need to be associated with a feeling of dysmorphia. it may be many peoples experience, but it is possible to identify as trans without it or the desire to alter oneself, or pursue an avenue of treatment be it conventional or surgical.
I was recently told in order to even identify as a transgender I need to desire to be the opposite sex. I disagreed, and that was that ._.
In retrospect, the bolded fits me like a glove. I'm comfortable with my body but interacting outwardly with people. I've always melded much better with women, and for whatever reason, many have found me to be blurry among the lines loooong before I was ever aware of it. I had people calling me gay back in sophomore year...As early as before I was even 10 from kids on my own neighborhood who never liked me, for reasons I to this day do not know. I got bullied hardcore by guys. Girls were nice to me. I always got along with women, not so much men, I've been raised since age 13 with only my mom, having only her perspective to reflect unconsciously during puberty.
I am more than sure this 'orientation' was preincarnational by just the evidence of occurrences. This is my personal sureness to myself. I was born male, with feminine qualities. In this society, that makes me gay, trans, or they expect me to be a crossdresser or...I don't even know the full extend of discrimination, I consider myself a closet transgender in that I see a society not ready around me, why the hell would I throw myself to the fire trying to put it out when I'm a sensitize type as it is, easily hurt.
Speaking of Crossdressing, I never understood it for myself personally. With that said, I understand the appeal, I was dared at a small high school party with my group of stoner juggalo pals to try on a skirt for shits-n-giggles in Junior year. I am embarrassed to admit it was incredibly comfortable...And the only time I've ever wore clothes not meant for men lol
But, I, being a Being of comfort...Absolutely would consider it if it were socially acceptable and not viewed as perverted and disgusting. So much so I made it clear to my pregnant girlfriend when I had one that if our son ever wanted to do something like go to school in a skirt or something along those lines, I'd be on his side and dress with him.
Then again I have an entire issue with the clothing industry that isn't related to this topic, but can be sub-related to the sexual perpetuation of fe/male separation. Right down to Lingerie, which is of itself not an issue, but of which I have pointed out in another thread almost a year ago from now, is made for little girls, which is frankly disturbing and socially an indicator of how screwy our society is at un-apologetically targeting and assaulting children and people as needing to conform to their standards or else they're a freak.
Digressing... Since I have a feeling this post will be long.
I'm glad you made the post you did E_s, as well as the responses following!
Firstly, I remember hearing that B4 has had issues with IP Addresses from Turkey, you should PM Steve or another Admin and let them know, see if they can do anything about it.
Secondly, how does viewing a preference as roleplaying (I understand it in a fictional context, let me know if you meant it differently) not equate to writing it off against a person who feels it is more than a role they are playing but who and how they are?
Quote:What concerns me is the underlying reasons as to why a man would pretend to be a woman, be it biological (hormonal imbalances, brain structure, chromosome abnormalities etc.), psychological (low opinion of own biological sex, envy, becoming that which you desire, narcissism) or metaphysical (karmic patterns, balancing, eroding the well established yet limiting gender norms, harbingers of a 4th density environment).How would you feel if metaphysically speaking it was a preincarnational choice to be a certain way and not view it as something to overcome but to absorb and distill into its more pure expressions in a balanced and appropriate way? I don't view this as eroding societal norms, I see it as Evolution, Society is the one who has the burden to adapt, not Evolution, Evolution is by its very being always adapting. Society believes itself stone and indestructible even as it corrodes and crumbles sometimes. I think the gender norms are a dying society trying to desperately force people to remain separate instead of realizing gender wise, there is no difference beyond manifested energies and metaphysical transfers (of which we have no idea how they work when one becomes transgender, not homosexual but actual transgender or transsexual). As Ra said, we should view each male as female and vice versa, each female as male.
How do we reconcile this against someone who is male and female? Are they the next biological step (Star Trek TNG has an episode where a race of aliens became androgynous from male and female) or is it something new to accept?
It's metaphysically speaking a very pitch black room with few lights being present to shed awareness of the 'actuals' of what it means metaphysically to be transgender. We don't know, how can we judge it?
Quote:When I see a "trans-woman", I feel no contempt, no disgust, but curiosity and concern. Not only for any possible "internal" issues but external ones as well, such as attracting violence. Anohter "external issue" worth mentioning is the echo-chamber of some trans communities, specifically how they refuse to believe that gender dysphoria can be alleviated by psychological treatment and recommend that all such individuals should transition (get mutilated) for their own good, even for cases where conventional treatment is effective.I can highly appreciate the concern involved, it's my opinion that energy alone helps raise awareness and protection for those individuals, as in to say, caring for them helps their guides steer them clear of unnecessary brutal experiences.
Is it truly an issue to you to identify a certain way that doesn't fit the norm?
As for the Echo-Chamber, I avoid all of those communities profusely. I haven't the proper mental configuration right now to properly explain the hypocrisy spiritually that I personally perceive except to say, just as extremist muslims bomb people, it's not fair to clump a portion of Islam as terrorism. Similarly, just as some extreme trans-individuals desire to tell people how to be, it's not fair to clump a portion of transgender or transsexual people as desiring the same things. We can talk about the extremes but in this otherwise not so well mapped territory it might be better to bring them up to figure out once we have more of a clue as to how transexualism even works metaphysically and biological/mentally.
I stick to my Free Will belief, as compleximacatedvoluted it is (LOL) I can say if any transgender individual looked at me and told me to go through hormone therapy and to get a vagina and breasts attached to me. I'd probably laugh at them, thinking they were being sarcastic or joking, and then I'd continue laughing when they tell me they're being serious.
And then I'd probably just leave it at, society doesn't want me to change, you're telling me I HAVE to change, I have a better idea.
Leave. Me. Alone.
I have no time in my life for such madness, it isn't my place to tell them they're wrong, but to show them. Its up to them, to get a clue.
Quote:A man may choose to call himself a woman, that is his choice. I might buy into his interpretation of reality at the cost of some cognitive dissonance, or not. That is my choice. Both choices are to be respected. A trans-woman who calls people "bigots" for not buying into his "gender expression" (a completely abstract concept) is demonstrating narcissism.I didn't know Gender Expression was abstract, I thought it somewhat normal. But I do agree to an extent though not 100%.
Then again, I ask you to empathize with these individuals despite their...Incredulity, even if you don't show it externally (as I demonstrated I wouldn't), the energy and the thought is what matters to me.
If I lived in a society and outwardly expressed myself as the way I felt and continually was bludgeoned for it, I too would become narcissistic, cold and highly defensive. You need to remember that these are still human beings, who are discriminated against strongly. I can't compare it to racism, but I can compare it to some kind of 'ism'. Albeit not sexism, but more...Choice-ism... I'd call people attacking me for my choice bigots too. Just like someone attacking a women for being women is a bigot, or attacking a black person cause he's black. Bigotry is a strong word though, I'd rather not use it at all.
Why do you see an issue with someone becoming closed-off and lashing out against those who forced them shut?
Quote:One thing I don't appreciate about "trans-woman" is when they transform themselves into a complete caricature of "femininity"; grow long hair, wear lipstick, dresses, skirts, stockings, heels, whatnot. I'm not one to judge but nevertheless am inclined to see this as.. unhealthy to say the least. It is almost as if their understanding of being "female" is completely superficial and limited to whatever is culturally acceptable behavior for women. It's ironic when these allegedly non-conforming people end up reinforcing the petty gender norms of whatever oppressive culture they inhabit.I pray you never stumble upon sissy genre porn LOL... Anyways! I appreciate highly, greatly you pointing this aspect out!!!
This has bothered me but for the exact opposite reason! I blame society for this, not the individuals. They have to conform to be accepted, otherwise they're freaks and nothing more. A man trying to be a woman but not acting womanly? FREAK! A woman being a man but not being Manly??? WHAT??!
I ask you to step back and approach this view at the opposite angle. How are these trans individuals supposed to be when society assaults them for being anything less than what it tells them they're supposed to be like in respect to how they feel? Despite this, and I digress, I'll agree with you, specifically for those individuals, I highly doubt they all want to go through such extremes to just feel normal and accepted. It is probably bothersome to some of them that they see girls without makeup in sweatshirts and sweatpants, and they can't match that because they don't appear it enough to 'get away' with it. Fact is, I"m sad they have to try and get away with it at all.
Female and Male differentiation might sound proper and normal, but I go back to what Ra said regards seeing male and female as female and male respectively. Evolutionarily, and long run, these energies of Male and Female come from the same place, in time they will reconcile. If this is in 4D then it's time. If not. Then we bear witness to the beginning of positive change. It's no wonder such negativity is drawn to these areas to debilitate their progress.
I think you should question why society says women need to be that way as well. This is an issue not just to trans individuals, but towards some women too.
Actually, let me put it this way, if society wasn't so stringent on there being proper male and female norms and roles, would transexualism even be a problem? Who is really the issue here? Is anyone an issue or are we just in the midst of change?
Quote:Who is to say what kind of clothing or behavior is "feminine"? Are heels, stockings and skirts "feminine"? Such were proudly worn by men at some point in history. Is it "feminine" to be compassionate, nurturing, giving and submissive? Men can be extremely nurturing and submissive when Love is flowing in their hearts.
As for "masculine" / "feminine" archetypes, I have no idea what exactly you mean by that. It sounds like symbolism a channeled entity would use to convey a message.
I see you comprehend how each sex can engender the other. I just ponder where you think those energies of Male and Female come from if not the Universe itself. Sex wasn't born on Earth. Male and Female wasn't born in this Solar System. I say Archetype because people treat them like they're as such. Archetypes of Society. I'd agree as a pure Archetype there isn't Male and Female, but a single energy which is the Archetype of Male and Female. I think this differs from my feelings at the beginning of this thread.
I find it funny you deem male and female abstract terms universally speaking.
By that context of nothing in the universe being 'universal', everything is Abstract. So, if Male and Female are Positive and Negative, how are they not Universal? I strongly disagree with the belief in these as being abstract on this Planet. I further disagree that the male and female energies are abstraction beyond the usual all is one thus everything is abstract and plain simultaneously. You sort of hit your own logic with your reference to positive/negative as being male/female as this makes those energies universal, regardless of being sub-creations of a less distorted energy (pos/neg), using your understanding as I'm perceiving it of sexual energy. That being that male and female are further distortions stemming from positive and negative.
To conclude, since I've been putting off helping my Mom to make this post since I've got it in the forefront of my thoughts (vs won't after she's done with me...).
I think Spero listed basically my feelings. In the longterm I hope Society sheds its closedmindedness, and following it those who are negatively or 'sufferingly' effected can transition to a more openminded state of being towards themselves and others too. Basic protections and such aside, I hope Society as a whole evolves beyond this archaic Justice System and begins cultivating in its people a general overall respect for the Value of Life and the Value of Choice, in respect to Others and Self.
Thank you for taking the time to respond guys!