01-12-2016, 03:37 PM
Well said, Gary! I agree with you.
Of course! It was through a dialog with members of this board, mostly.
*looking around* You tell me!
I didn't say that.
What I meant with "enough" is that no words that I have ever heard can come even close to that light energy which Ra have in theirs. And don't misunderstand me. What I mean is that they chose those words, they chose to speak as they did, so many times we stand there scratching our heads, and our thoughts go into different directions... But then we try to explain them to others, share their message or meaning, teach what they said, when we ourselves at some points don't understand completely what they've meant... But yet we try to simplify and make it "easier" for others... Does this make sense? What I mean?
Besides that, there is a certain "song" in Ra's message, which you mentioned in your post too. Some may hear it and some may not. And some people say that Ra was so wise. And perhaps they were wise, but it is not wisdom which makes me cry each time I read it; it is love. And it is this vibration which speaks for itself; and as you said - either you "hear" it or you don't.
Anyways, that's what I meant with "enough", if it makes any sense to you.
No, I didn't refer to his or yours intro specifically. I was just throwing a rhetorical/philosofical question out in the blue, *and* I got a really good answer from you, my friend! Intros are good to read, I guess, even if you don't agree with everything that is said there. And also, since we all are different, some may *need* to read them before they jump into the material itself, as you said.
As to "Introduction to Sweden" - all you need to know is that *Santa* lives here and you can pet reindeers and polar bears in the streets. The rest are just details, which I will fill you in when you get here!
(01-11-2016, 11:57 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: Surely, though, after having consumed the source's actual words a thousand times over, you have been aided by other's analysis of Ra?
Of course! It was through a dialog with members of this board, mostly.
(01-11-2016, 11:57 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: "Enough"? Who says that introductions, explanations, explorations, analyses, derivative works, etc., exist because of some deficiency in, or insufficiency with, the material?
*looking around* You tell me!

What I meant with "enough" is that no words that I have ever heard can come even close to that light energy which Ra have in theirs. And don't misunderstand me. What I mean is that they chose those words, they chose to speak as they did, so many times we stand there scratching our heads, and our thoughts go into different directions... But then we try to explain them to others, share their message or meaning, teach what they said, when we ourselves at some points don't understand completely what they've meant... But yet we try to simplify and make it "easier" for others... Does this make sense? What I mean?
Besides that, there is a certain "song" in Ra's message, which you mentioned in your post too. Some may hear it and some may not. And some people say that Ra was so wise. And perhaps they were wise, but it is not wisdom which makes me cry each time I read it; it is love. And it is this vibration which speaks for itself; and as you said - either you "hear" it or you don't.
Anyways, that's what I meant with "enough", if it makes any sense to you.

(01-11-2016, 11:57 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: 4DSunrise has his own project, but earlier in this thread an Intro was mentioned for the new Ra Contact book. I'm not sure if it is that to which you refer in your question.
No, I didn't refer to his or yours intro specifically. I was just throwing a rhetorical/philosofical question out in the blue, *and* I got a really good answer from you, my friend! Intros are good to read, I guess, even if you don't agree with everything that is said there. And also, since we all are different, some may *need* to read them before they jump into the material itself, as you said.
As to "Introduction to Sweden" - all you need to know is that *Santa* lives here and you can pet reindeers and polar bears in the streets. The rest are just details, which I will fill you in when you get here!