01-10-2016, 11:00 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-11-2016, 11:50 AM by Illamasqua.
Edit Reason: typos, addendum, link
(01-10-2016, 04:21 PM)anagogy Wrote: I've heard from some sources that America is essentially the reincarnation of Atlantis.
You are of course referring to colonized America (i.e. descending from Europeans colonists) rather than native America (descending from Lemuria several thousands of years earlier). This indeed explains much, as the entire American continent (particularly the northern portion) is basically the continuation of the Greco-Roman Empire (i.e. Europa as a whole), which is in turn the continuation (albeit subconsciously/under-the-veil) of Atlantis.
It would become quite evident to anyone with any basic knowledge on European/Mesopotamian geography, history and/or etymology that these seemingly divergent civilizations originated/descended from the same general region: the Caucasus Mountains (situated right between the Black Sea to the west and the Caspian Sea to the east, with modern-day Anatolia/Turkey & Iran/Persia to the south and Russia to the north). Why is this important? Because the Caucasus/Turkey is basically the motherland of Atlantis 2.0. Granted, some other pockets of Atlantean people may have gone elsewhere (such as the three "positive" groups mentioned by Ra) and may have already had settlements in other parts of the world even before the downsinking of Atlantis (the Celts, for example); however, who we are concerned with are these Atlantean remnants right here because of reasons which will be detailed below.
Due to the geographical configurations mentioned above (click here for Google Maps if it helps with visualization), these Atlanteans basically split into three major groupings as they came down from the Caucasus:
1. One group heads west across Anatolia/Turkey, through the Aegean Islands, and into Hellas/Greece. This is why Greek mythology, culture and architecture is so evocative of Atlantean times for so many people nowadays. This later leads to the Greco-Roman Empire and the complete conquest of Europa by the Holy Roman Empire (the First Reich) under the Frankia/Germania coalition, being an extension and later succession of Rome at the time. Needless to say, the Roman Empire extends all all the way into the Iberian Peninsula (Hispania, modern-day Spain & Portugal), spreading its influence all across the Mediterranean Sea and, by extent, the northernmost regions of Africa (notably, Egypt), as well across mainland Europa all the way into Anglo-Saxon land (i.e. England, Ireland, Scotland—Britannia as a whole back then).
Worthy of mention here is the Romans' own foundation myth/story: claiming to be the descendants of Romulus (hence their namesake), son of Mars/Ares, God of War and the red planet next door. *hint-hint*
2. Another group heads south into Mesopotamia, the "Cradle of Civilization" (not!), and becomes the Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Persian/Iranian (Aryan) peoples. This is basically modern-day Iran, Syria, Iraq & Arabia. Like their Greek/Roman relatives, some of these people also spread their cultures further west across the Red Sea into Egypt, all the way into Morocco, which bridges over into Hispania/the Iberian Peninsula (which will cause much friction and intermingling with the Celtic-Roman inhabitants there for many hundreds of years). Yet another pocket of these Iranian/Aryan people migrate east into the Indus Valley region (and by extent, modern-day India).
It goes without saying there was a lot of bickering and warmongering going on between the Greeks/Romans and Persians/Iranians (Sumerians, Babylonians, Akkadians, etc.) over time. The period of the Byzantine Empire (basically the attempted relocation of the Catholic Church from Rome to modern-day Istanbul in present-day Turkey) with the whole Templar & crusade business is particularly worthy of notice. Why? Because Turkey is both geographically, historically and etymologically significant. Just take a look at Göbekli Tepe as an appetizer: the oldest (presently known, that is) man-made religious structure/temple dating to 10,000 BC. That should be another *hint-hint* right there.
In short: Turkey (and by extent, the Caucasus) is the birth-mother of all Indo-European (Greek, Romantic/Latin/Italic, Germanic/Gothic, Slavic, etc.) and Indo-Iranian/Aryan (Vedic, Sanskrit, Persian, etc.) languages.
3. The third major group that split from the Caucasus were those who headed northwest across modern-day Russia, Ukraine, Estonia into Hyperborea (the Scandinavian regions that comprise Finland, Sweden, Norway) and then back into mainland/central Europe through Denmark and into Germania and later Frankia (back then broadly referred to as Celtica and later Gallia of the Gauls). These came to be variously known as the Germanic, Teutonic, Gothic, Vandal tribes who, despite many clashes and confrontations with the expanding Roman Empire spreading northwards, would eventually be gathered into the proverbial fold, so to speak (as their Romanization/Christianization can attest).
Some of these Nordic/northern people also either remained or later returned to settle in the Slavic kingdoms/territories (Russia being founded by the Rus people, for example). However, our main story concerns central Europe as this is where the big drama was taking place (that is why Europe is so broken up into so many little pieces, by the way—a sure indicator of constant dispute, conflict, friction and, of course, war).
Eventually, as the Roman Empire was crumbling upon itself, Frankia/Germania (which was basically one big kingdom back then, divided into west and east domains, respectively) basically continued what Rome had started. This was the beginning of the First Reich: the Holy Roman Empire (under Charlamagne). To put things in perspective, this in the 1800's Middle Ages, around the time of the Merovingian Dynasty. Also around this time, Roman/Italian influence was waning over Britannia and the land was essentially passed over to Anglo-Saxon/Germanic rule. This, plus Scandinavian/Viking raids and more intermingling lead to England to become what it is today: a mix of Frankian, Anglo-Saxon/Germanic and Celt with a pinch of Hyperborean Scandinavian.
Iberia/Hispania (Spain & Portugal), on the other hand, retained less of an Anglo-Saxon/Germanic influence and took on more of an Arabian/Iranian tinge due to constant infiltrations by the Muslim Moors coming in from the Maghreb (northwestern Africa) through Morocco.
So what about the Celts? Well, both Greeks/Romans and Nordic/Germanic people encountered these so-called Celts/Gallic tribes in isolated pockets all across west-central Europe (then Celtica) as well as Iberia/Hispania. It is clear these people were sufficiently distinct from Germanic tribes in a cultural-religious sense (Germanic people didn't have druids, for example, nor did they tattoo their skins or rode chariots). It is unclear, however, as to whether these also descended from the Caucasus or were "long-lost" Atlantean settlers from a much earlier time (they sure ain't "natives"!). Their geographical location would seem to indicate the latter. After all, they were right next to the Atlantic (Atlantis) Ocean. Either way, most Celts/Gauls were slowly but surely intermingled with Roman-Germanic blood due to cultural syncretism, and whatever "pure blood" remained was driven/pushed back to small shires in what is nowadays known as Ireland, Scotland and Welsh (parts of larger Britannia/England back then). This is why these countries retained their Celtic ancestry.
Anyway, this is an extremely condensed/abbreviated history which would otherwise require several pages (and several days) to properly recount (not to mention it can get pretty boring/tedious too). The point of the whole story is this: the Caucasian race (whether in its Mediterranean, Nordic or Alpine variations) is the continuation of the Atlantean race; and the Atlanteans are, of course, the Martians.
Addendum: Granted, trans-cultural/racial incarnations do occur, and not every Caucasian is going to have an Atlantean past/heritage. Plus, there's at least 10-15 other (albeit minor) xeno-planetary racial influences at play here who are (or have been) incarnated on planet Earth for the continuation or resumption of their respective 3rd-density cycles at one point or another. It wouldn't be too farfetched to conject that some may have very well incarnated among Caucasian/post-Atlantean populations. Not to mention there's been (and continues to be) a lot of racial intermingling/crossbreeding between various racial archetypes, especially after modern-day globalization, so it'd be silly to assume present-day Caucasians are 100% Atlantean/Martian. And last but not least, a whole bunch of "wanderers" have also implanted themselves over the past 200 years or so within post-colonization America (the European "New World") and taken up Caucasian bodies for their incarnative mission. However, as a whole, Caucasian equals Atlantean—if not in cultural/racial tendencies then at the very least in physical archetype.
And Plenum, the number of incarnated entities at any given time does not necessarily indicate the actual number of entities belonging to any one particular civilization. Not all need to be incarnated at the same time, nor in the same volume/quantities. It would therefore be natural to assume there are periods of time when entities incarnate in larger quantities and periods of recess, so to speak, when most entities are "in-between lives" assessing the needs of their further incarnative experience as a group (remember, the process is largely groupal in nature). There are most definitely ebbs and flows to such incarnational patterns ("karmic" reasons included).