09-23-2010, 02:22 AM
Questioner, what you have suggested makes much sense. I had a slight feeling that I was infringing when I wrote that, but let that feeling take the back-seat to the emotion I was feeling then. Not a wise choice, as I see that I ended up doing the very same thing that had offended me in the first place. There I was offering a view that was not asked for in response to another view that I did not agree with which also was not asked for. I guess it boils down to me feeling that the fear-based view was incorrect and then trying to correct it with the 'right' view. Just because I believe something does not make it right for everyone, or welcome to them if they or I did not ask first. I checked out the death in the family thread as well, there was a lot of good information there. Thank you so much for your suggestions!
"Seemingly, as I understand the Creators very essence is Love. Love learning about Love, Creator learning about Creator both are the same and boundless, immeasurable, unfathomable."
LsavedSmeD, this must be why there are so many different paths in seeking the Creator. I must learn to respect all of these paths as equally important, as dark as some may seem. I liked your statement about interpreting Jesus. There are quite a few people that I have met that this would apply to.
Ahktu, this was the first conversation of this type with that person. It seems I was trying to 'help' them, because I felt bad that they were preaching the need to 'be saved' from our inherent sinfulness and inferiority that would surely put us in hell for all eternity. Maybe this is a part of myself that I need to accept, as I used to believe that same view. I agree that the example is the best way to teach or learn from!
Thank you all for your constructive suggestions! I used to hate goofing up, now I find it fun since I usually learn something from doing it
"Seemingly, as I understand the Creators very essence is Love. Love learning about Love, Creator learning about Creator both are the same and boundless, immeasurable, unfathomable."
LsavedSmeD, this must be why there are so many different paths in seeking the Creator. I must learn to respect all of these paths as equally important, as dark as some may seem. I liked your statement about interpreting Jesus. There are quite a few people that I have met that this would apply to.
Ahktu, this was the first conversation of this type with that person. It seems I was trying to 'help' them, because I felt bad that they were preaching the need to 'be saved' from our inherent sinfulness and inferiority that would surely put us in hell for all eternity. Maybe this is a part of myself that I need to accept, as I used to believe that same view. I agree that the example is the best way to teach or learn from!
Thank you all for your constructive suggestions! I used to hate goofing up, now I find it fun since I usually learn something from doing it