01-09-2016, 01:03 PM
(01-09-2016, 10:01 AM)Elros Tar-Minyatur Wrote: My above post was meant to be initially an indirect disagreement with this statement.
Quote:I think humans have become too caught up in the mind, too attached to the imagination and the ways in which we can imagine ourselves.
Quite on the contrary I'd say when will humans finally seek and think beyond their all so small dream bubbles of awareness of reality.
Surrounded by what seems to be an infinite Creation, so little look at the stars in wonder and desire to understand. Among so many different kinds of humans, so little seek understanding of others and instead blindly reject what is unlike them, with for so many even a sense of disgust while at it.
Humans are oh so very manipulated into never expanding their awareness, keys are floating about everywhere but are burried into what acts as walls to the awareness.
Not saying this has no purpose but was clearly not the result of positive intents toward the human race.
Indeed and were humans to free themselves from the need to imagine themselves in certain ways they would find a much more open expanse of mind to explore. Cannot fill a cup that is already full.