01-03-2016, 02:00 PM
(01-03-2016, 08:54 AM)Indigosilver Wrote: If anyone knows, I have often wondered [aside from thoughts/intentions] what actions might be needed to polarize STS sufficently for harvest from 3rd density?
One must first examine its incarnational environment, so to speak, in order to assess the available opportunities for "polarization" (this term is not quite appropriate, but let's stick to Ra's choice of words here). One's present incarnational environment—particulalry one's childhood—reveals much about one's pre-incarnative orientation in terms of "polarity" (i.e. One who is already well invested into the "negative" path is unlikely to incarnate in what would commonly be perceived as an unprivileged position of power. Said entity would incarnate to parents who already have some degree of "negative" adepthood and/or family history behind them, or at the very least some inchoate pre-incarnative and/or "past-life" inclination. This is not to say there isn't such a thing as "neophytes" who would incarnate in what would otherwise be considered a "positive" or more generally "lukewarm" environment to, shall we say, put their "negativity" to the test—everyone's got to start somewhere).
Once the incarnational environment has been thoroughly examined (which requires a certain degree of self-honesty), one must then determine the appropriate set of actions which would need be taken in order to reap the maximum potential from said environment without over-reaching (over-reaching may be defined as attempting to get more than one can actually potentially acquire given one's given incarnational circumstances/limitations).
For the "negative" path, actions which exert a "power differential" would naturally be sought after, as this would effectively aid in the separation of self from other-selves. The greater the power differential, the greater the "polarization," if you will. This is why subjugation/disempowering of other-selves is so important (for the "negative" path)—especially when these "subjects" willingly surrender their power (of will) to their "overlord" and even implore for such domination to be exerted upon them (there is no greater slave than the one who willingly and sacrificially submits to its master).
On that note, domination of the sexual kind is perhaps one of the most basic and most effective means to create this power differential, both in a physical and, more importantly, psychological (mental/emotional) sense—and even spiritual in the higher degrees of achievement/adepthood. All other areas of life may be considered a natural extension or adaptation of this basic method of sexual dominance.
(One must watch out, however, not to become a "mindless animal" in the process, as "raping" and "torturing" for no other reason than anger, loneliness or mere frustration is as depolarizing as a Mother Theresa who feeds and clothes the poor and downtrodden with a bitter heart full of resentment, spite and hatred.)
Above all, it must be born in mind that the "negative" path is one of utmost discipline and intense dedication—and that the absolute great majority of all entities considered "negative" on this planetary sphere are either just lukewarm/unpolarized or confused "positives" usually traumatized from past incarnational experiences (therefore "heart-broken"). Both of these are easily swayed by "negative" influence/subliminal programming, however. Hence the mis-identification.
The true "Hidden Hand(s)" will rarely ever be known by face (or name for that matter)—for oh, so much more can be achieved by the subtleties of secrecy and deception.
(And it goes without saying that the caricaturesque depictions of "evil" found in film and literature are only watered-down, twisted reflections of what actual "negative" entities, motives and actions are really all about—but this is no surprise, since these works of fiction are mostly written or endorsed by the aforementioned unpolarized/confused individuals or genuine but ignorantly naive "positives" who cannot plumb the depths of "negativity" due to lack of experience and genuine ignorance.)
Quote:I wonder, could polarizing towards STS to the degree needed for harvest be done alone, without any others?
No. Even the mystic in the cave seeks the solitude of the cave precisely because this spiritual retreat cannot be achieved amidst a societal environment populated by other-selves. All "polarization" is driven by the fact that there's other-selves about the self. In fact, the entire Creation is based upon this very illusion of limits, manyneness or separation ("that's that thing, this is this other thing, these are different/not the same things"). Its sole purpose is to allow the experience/realization of the non-illusion which is the One Reality beyond Creation.
Both "positive" and "negative" paths require this very separation to be of service. Where the former uses the experience of separation to realize its unity with the One Reality and the ultimate dissolution of all illusion (hence "selflessness"), the latter seeks to realize its own "exclusivity" (hence "selfishness") from the rest of Creation by the deliberate augmentation or magnification of said illusion (with "rape" and "torture" being basic but powerful means to effectively "sever" the connection between self and others—these being perhaps the most "polarizing" actions for the young apprentice of the "negative" path, especially when/if performed in a ritualistic or ceremonial fashion alongside like-minded individuals or "teachers").
In short, were there no other-selves to be separated from, there'd be no "negative" path (just as there'd be no "positive" path, were there no other-selves to be unified with).
Quote:So, is STS really for me?
You are asking an anonymous online forum a question you should be answering yourself?