(12-23-2015, 12:25 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Polarizing with a dedication to unity/service to others is the game. Not even Ra has transcended polarity/unity yet in 6D, why would the name of the game in 3D be to "transcend polarity"?
I think the game (Octave) is more about creating paradoxes and things to resolve. The STS polarity came to be out of STO because STO was not deemed enough on it's own to create meaningful experiences.
So the game seems also about unveiling Darkness from within what we all are and transmuting/resolving it to be seen/understood/loved as Light. In vegan thread there has been a duality between loving someone while not loving their actions, in my view every actions are surely to be loved. Perhaps not now, but that is how darkness is going to be transmuted, surely not by hiding from sight the portions of ourselves one dislikes.
At the end of the game though we are to let go of this reality which I am not sure could be considered either STS or STO at that point as we let go of many-ness altogether to give our stream of experiences back to the Source. There is One Mind with the unified thought of Infinity. Exploring all finite-infinity within it. So others just as self are convenient illusions for experiences.
(12-23-2015, 12:25 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: If one refuses to dedicate themselves to polarizing, then they reside in the sinkhole of indifference, which is spiritual purgatory, and will create lots of random catalyst in one's life until they "make the choice". That's the name of the game in 3D: The Choice.
I don't think there's random and I think catalysts are mainly programmed to be attracted. But yeah, each of us has a very intimate relation with this Creation algother.
Funny thing is that prior to the use of veils when there was only the STO polarity, Ra said there were very little effort put into polarizing and evolving foward across dimensions. So I don't think the sinkhole of indifference is all that bad in itself as time is an illusion. It means to be well with things as they are instead of playing the polarity control game. But yeah this whole Octave is based upon polarity to move foward, previous one was about mover/moved apparently, seems to have been very fun too.