12-23-2015, 12:25 PM
Quote:I think what bothers you in the end are illusions. You don't make sense of polarity but you understand unity. Ra said himself that polarity is an illusion, you probably know that already. The game is to transcend it.
I want to clarify something. I do not think Ra teaches that the game is to "transcend polarity". The one true polarity, service to others, is unity - how do you transcend unity?
The "game" in 3rd density is not to transcend polarity but to harness it. Polarizing in 3D creates spiritual gravity so that one is able to do more work, ie be a better instrument to channel love and light onto the planetary energy web.
Polarizing with a dedication to unity/service to others is the game. Not even Ra has transcended polarity/unity yet in 6D, why would the name of the game in 3D be to "transcend polarity"?
If one refuses to dedicate themselves to polarizing, then they reside in the sinkhole of indifference, which is spiritual purgatory, and will create lots of random catalyst in one's life until they "make the choice". That's the name of the game in 3D: The Choice.