09-21-2010, 06:31 PM
I tend to have levels of explanation when it comes to explaining my "religion" to people. To both those who ask simply to make conversation, and those whom I know are going to try their best to bash in my beliefs no matter what I say unless it is the same as them, I give a general, somewhat generic answer. I usually just tell people that I "believe in all religions" and believe that each should be allowed to follow the path that works best for them. If someone asks with an open mind and honestly wants to know what I believe, I have no problem telling them the complete truth. So if it were me in this situation I would tell the truth about what I think, but I would put limits on the range of my expression of those beliefs. There's no point in throwing something in someone's face when you know they won't listen to it. It is a waste of time and energy. Even when I talk to open-minded people, I don't start out with "hey, I believe aliens from another dimension are talking to me in my head!". I've been locked up in mental institutions enough times to realize the errors of that approach. Still, I think you are doing the right thing in trying to find an appropriate way to express what you perceive to be truth in order to be of further service, and there is no need to outright lie. Just be discreet. Of course, this is all my opinion only and I certainly don't claim it to be the "right decision."