12-23-2015, 07:17 AM
Difficult to say really.
What I think now is as a human thinks, in this body and on this planet.
We all have free will choice (here on this planet and in our soul home). We don’t have to reincarnate. But if we don’t reincarnate, we don’t learn and grow.
When the decision is made to incarnate again, or not to incarnate again, and upon which planet to do the incarnating: My immortal soul will be making that decision. Input and advice from my Guide(s) and my Elders will play a part, but it’s my decision, and it would be an educated decision. What sort of soul lessons are still needed? What sort of karma still needs to be cleared?
I look forward to my death. Death is delight. There is no hell.
What I think now is as a human thinks, in this body and on this planet.
We all have free will choice (here on this planet and in our soul home). We don’t have to reincarnate. But if we don’t reincarnate, we don’t learn and grow.
When the decision is made to incarnate again, or not to incarnate again, and upon which planet to do the incarnating: My immortal soul will be making that decision. Input and advice from my Guide(s) and my Elders will play a part, but it’s my decision, and it would be an educated decision. What sort of soul lessons are still needed? What sort of karma still needs to be cleared?
I look forward to my death. Death is delight. There is no hell.