(09-17-2010, 01:50 AM)Aaron Wrote: There has to be souls at every level of creation at any given time, otherwise there wouldn't be any way to progress up the chain!Thank you Aaron. Your thinking is spot on with respect to the Ra quote provided by Namaste above. Your statement may coincide with Namaste's ending statement (see below last statement quoted) to a point worth considering.
We can see its true, because your cockroach friend has offered you catalyst for internal growth!
(09-17-2010, 04:43 PM)@ndy Wrote: Isn't there a drop of creator in everything? Every leaf? every grain of sand? every atom?
(09-17-2010, 10:40 PM)Etude in B Minor Wrote: The creator IS everything, so there is more than a "drop" of creator in everything.
(09-19-2010, 03:28 PM)Deekun Wrote: I was reading the Advaita Bodha Deepika, at first it was slow with the whole student/teacher interaction. But as I went along with it I began to get the gist of it, normally when we say we are all one. We..we....we... there is no we and that is what others don't get. There is only One.
(09-21-2010, 09:56 AM)Namaste Wrote: On a side note, there is actually only one 'soul'. That soul however, may incarnate or divide itself a potentially infinite number of times :¬)
Thank you all for continuing in the exploration of this/these questions. Thank you as well Namaste for providing the video link above. It is a Fascinating listen. The underlying assumption in each post is indeed that "All is One." It seems we may certainly agree on it as we traverse up the ladder to this understanding. But what does this mean if we attempt to drill it down, rather than up? What I mean to suggest is that if we return to my original questions posted above in my opening thread, the question remains, does the axiom of "all is one" rule out the possibility that GOD ONE INFINITE CREATOR (GOIC) only created once, or might it also be inclusive of the fact that GOIOC continually individuates ITself on an infinite basis, thereby in a sense is in fact continually busy in the basement churning out new souls, as it were, all the time, as individuations of ITself, who as new souls of ITself are just beginning, such as elements, rocks, trees, animals etc, whether here on earth or throughout IT's creation(s)? Thus we have the axiom that indeed all is one, but with perhaps the added understanding that the individuation of "this one" is a newer flavor of ITself, and as such a newer soul, whereas "that one" is an older flavor of itself and an "older soul" as such (albeit they're all at once), and then compounded by the complicating factor that notwithstanding some are also individuated at different levels of sub-densities, densities, and octaves as well. In this sense there may indeed exist "New Souls" all the time, and even created/individuated at higher levels than ourselves at 3D, versus what we have come to understand as"Old souls?" An old soul may be no wiser than is the newer soul created at the higher level? In fact, the older soul on the lower level may be infinitely less informed?
Thought experiments such as these melt our nicely orchestrated semblance of our concepts, as much as the universe(s) and creation ITself. We struggle as though there were truly a segmented and layered out piecemeal understanding in some sense of a hierarchical architecture. There may not be at all. We strive as a means to order it within our own limited understanding.But what if it just aint so? The above Kinda throws everything back into a disarray of incomprehensibility again, don't it?
Piecing Aaron's comment together with yours Namaste, let us take the example of a newer Lenticular Galaxy more recently formed than is our own as a thought experiment, wherein within it are those bodies, whether Suns, Planets, or perhaps even simpler M/B/S Complexes, who, as closer to its center, may be far more advanced up the Density and Octave ladder than are we as M/B/S complexes in 3D who have been doing this dance for what may be billions, even trillions of years, versus theirs which is relatively newer at perhaps only thousands.
Two questions are posed within this thought experiment within the backdrop of the information below repeated as reference:
Ra Wrote:28.12 Questioner: Thank you. I’ll call the lenticular galaxy that we are in the major galaxy just so we will not get mixed up in our terms. Does all the consciousness in individualized form that goes into what we are calling the major galaxy start out and go through all of the densities in order, one-two-three-four-five-six-seven and into the eighth, or are there some who start up higher in the rank so that there is always a mixture of intelligent consciousness in the galaxy?
Ra: I am Ra. The latter is more nearly correct. In each beginning there is the beginning from infinite strength. Free will acts as a catalyst. Beings begin to form the universes. Consciousness then begins to have the potential to experience. The potentials of experience are created as a part of intelligent energy and are fixed before experience begins.
1. May GOIC, as suggested, continue churning out newer individuations of ITself infinitely, thus in a sense creating newer souls (of Itself) as such all the time?
2. If so, may it not be assumed that many of these newer souls as such, having been created at differing and varying ranks of 1-7D, are far more advanced, irrespective of their newer-ness as compared to our older-ness?
Dizzying (as Questioner stated above) ain't it?
~ Q ~