12-12-2015, 02:05 AM
(12-11-2015, 02:27 PM)Diana Wrote: I can talk to people about everything being connected in terms of the quantum world, or String Theory. I still get eye-rolling, but it is close enough to the common paradigm to be acceptable in conversation. And in this way I can touch on the implications of unity.
Out of curiosity, have you ever read any of Marshall McLuhan's works? It might seem like an odd source for enlightenment, but the first time I truly grokked interconnection -years before I found the Ra Materials- was after reading his Understanding Media and contemplating the ramifications of the model he presented. I'd encountered the idea previously, of course, in various Eastern teachings. But McLuhan's concrete descriptions of the relationship between people and their environment was what made it real to me, so to speak.
I mention this because I've found media theory then becomes a 'comfortable' way of discussion interconnections or even the idea of people as field emitters without having to use terminology that causes too much eye-rolling or accusations of woo-woo.