(12-02-2015, 02:07 PM)earth_spirit Wrote: STO isn't any less a "falsity" than STS.
I didn't say it was.
(12-02-2015, 02:07 PM)earth_spirit Wrote: I'd say those of STS path simply like the illusion of power, control, darkness, et cetera. It is a matter of preference, nothing more.
If not for the "illusion of manyness and seperation", STO path would be meaningless. I am inclined toward STO, and I very much love the illusion of seperation.
I agree, and I never implied otherwise. And it is fine to be STO and, simultaneously enjoy the illusion. We're 3rd density, that is perfectly natural. And also, polarity isn't a light switch. It isn't an either on or off thing, it's a gradiated continuum. I would say that most of the things we, if we are STO beings, tend to "like" about the illusion are actually the parts of it that resonate with truth. For example: equality, compassion, communal sharing, and things of that nature. Whereas a STS being may enjoy things like: taking advantage of others, being more powerful than others, getting revenge on somebody that wronged them.
(12-02-2015, 02:07 PM)earth_spirit Wrote: "leaving the illusion" = Unity with the Creator. That would require a lack of polarity (let alone an individuated sense of self), and as such I find it misleading to attribute such a goal to the STO path.
The entire universe is a result of the Creator's desire to experience himself. The OIC is performing a service to himself.
The "truth" is that there are no others to love and serve. Dark Wanderers have no need to hide from this truth, surely they embrace it.
If one of the polarities is more logically consistent than the other, it is without a doubt the STS path. The only self awareness, focal point of consciousness you can "know" is that of the Self. All the "others" could be products of your imagination, computer generated AI or simulacra.
I think you may be misinterpreting what I'm saying. It sounds like you are interpreting my words as saying that STS are these ignorant dudes and have no clue of the nature of reality. That is the exact opposite of what I'm saying. Neither polarity is more logically consistent than the other. When "self" and "others" are the same (as in the creator), then service to self and service to others are the same thing. I said that both polarities become aware of the line between truth and falsity. That means, to the extent you are polarized, you are aware of what is truth, and what is falsity. STS beings like the illusion and want it to continue, and there is nothing wrong with that. STO want to escape the illusion entirely. Again, no right or wrong in that, it is just, as you said, simple preference. Some love darkness, some love light.
And as far as leaving the illusion and returning to the creator: I believe that while the polarities are, technically, defined by each other, and that in the absence of one there is no polarity as we normally understand it, the STS path is still called by Ra "path of that which is not". There is a reason for that. The creator is positive, because positivity is unity. Negativity is separation. In the absence of separation, then, there is just unity, or positivity. This is also why ALL higher selves are positive and not negative. And why all negatives, switch over to positive in mid sixth density. Because unity is, by default, *positive*.
(12-02-2015, 02:07 PM)earth_spirit Wrote: I think there is nothing wrong with frolicking about in the sinkhole of indifference. That is as valid a path as any other. I see no point in pursuing metaphysical progression if all existence is cyclical in nature.
Again, I never said there was anything wrong with it. It was just an observation, not a judgment of those who would do so. There is nothing wrong with any particular level of existence, but each level has certain characteristics and one can observe and describe those characteristics.