12-02-2015, 11:20 AM
Polarity to me is offering Package A and Package B, you desire either but one calls to you a bit more over the other.
In Unity, you've packages Infinity A to Infinity B. All paths lead right where they will need to lead to by design.
Polarity is by design the same thing as Crazy, Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, then being baffled when it doesn't go that way by design.
Polarity thus makes sense to me in Concept and Theory and even Execution, but in regards to Truth, what I seek, it is THE, 'THEE', like "THE" number 1 distraction from Truth.
Its like Politics, makes no sense despite 'making sense'.
Blessed, Damned... Its the same thing, Creator cares about you.
Love, Hate... Its the same thing, You care a lot about something.
Its that care that matters to me. Its my road home. Love or Hate, and I feel both greatly, they take me right where I'm supposed to go.
The realization all is related, inter-penetrated\ing all together intertwined like a perfect sacred geometric quilt.
Caring is Loving, Hate is inversed Love. Its still love. Inversed colors are both 'that color' and its usual self.
Reality is tricky, but it only takes faith to see, even the illiterate could understand, the blind could see, the deaf could hear it. Its that thing that makes no sense, is 'illogical', 'irrational', yet IS and more stably so than the infinite Logic and Rationality of Self-Perpetuated-Logic and Rationality permeating around you.
It could simply be known as Complex Logic, but in our nonunderstanding, we dismiss it as being less-so of what it is despite it being more so.
The exact opposite of us mistaking Aliens for being
We're pretty amazing when you look at us without judgment. Baffling at times even.
In Unity, you've packages Infinity A to Infinity B. All paths lead right where they will need to lead to by design.
Polarity is by design the same thing as Crazy, Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, then being baffled when it doesn't go that way by design.
Polarity thus makes sense to me in Concept and Theory and even Execution, but in regards to Truth, what I seek, it is THE, 'THEE', like "THE" number 1 distraction from Truth.
Its like Politics, makes no sense despite 'making sense'.
Blessed, Damned... Its the same thing, Creator cares about you.
Love, Hate... Its the same thing, You care a lot about something.
Its that care that matters to me. Its my road home. Love or Hate, and I feel both greatly, they take me right where I'm supposed to go.
The realization all is related, inter-penetrated\ing all together intertwined like a perfect sacred geometric quilt.
Caring is Loving, Hate is inversed Love. Its still love. Inversed colors are both 'that color' and its usual self.
Reality is tricky, but it only takes faith to see, even the illiterate could understand, the blind could see, the deaf could hear it. Its that thing that makes no sense, is 'illogical', 'irrational', yet IS and more stably so than the infinite Logic and Rationality of Self-Perpetuated-Logic and Rationality permeating around you.
It could simply be known as Complex Logic, but in our nonunderstanding, we dismiss it as being less-so of what it is despite it being more so.
The exact opposite of us mistaking Aliens for being
We're pretty amazing when you look at us without judgment. Baffling at times even.