12-01-2015, 11:54 AM
I just want to point out the semantic difference between "straight and narrow" and "strait and narrow". It's not straight like a long line without diversions, it's strait like a river channel, full of winding turns and rapids, but one path where you ride the current to one destination. Of course, each person's "strait" is of their choosing, and one can always forge new paths or get off. But, Ra was speaking of work in consciousness and the adept (indigo ray), which I think means one must stay the course to get the most benefit.
It's like The Two Paths card. After you make the choice (releasing one of the women's hands), the triangles represent the two paths, veering, and the paths get further apart the further you go along them. Sure, you can jump back and forth between the paths, but this is not the work of the indigo ray adept, this is the "sinkhole of indifference". I think this is what Ra means by the quote. Neither the positive path nor the negative path is a decision one should take lightly. Both require dedication.
It's like The Two Paths card. After you make the choice (releasing one of the women's hands), the triangles represent the two paths, veering, and the paths get further apart the further you go along them. Sure, you can jump back and forth between the paths, but this is not the work of the indigo ray adept, this is the "sinkhole of indifference". I think this is what Ra means by the quote. Neither the positive path nor the negative path is a decision one should take lightly. Both require dedication.