12-01-2015, 10:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2015, 11:35 AM by APeacefulWarrior.)
(12-01-2015, 08:35 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: And that somehow the percentages of 51% STO and 95% STS correspond to an equal amount of focussing of deliberate choice. That is, even though the numbers may look very skewed toward 'effort' on the path of self-service, the actual deliberateness of choosing a path and making it the over-riding Interpretation that one wishes to refine is the same amount of work in consciousness and deepening of biases to the point where the 4d environment is actually suitable (and useful) to continue that choice of experience.
This I totally agree with. I tend to think the initial polarization -at 51% or 5%- is much like the advent of puberty in our bodies' development. After all, it's considered rather old-fashioned to say that a boy has become a man because his balls dropped. Instead, we know that adolescence is a terribly complicated thing involving loads of internal changes, and the external physical development is just the most obvious indicator that the process is going on.
And in the same way, I believe polarization is the most obvious "signpost" of a series of internal spiritual\mental changes that largely revolve around the awakening of one's actual will-power and, as you say, the deliberate decision to focus that will towards a certain chosen end.
This also suggests that once polarization is achieved, it's difficult to lose entirely. It would track with what Ra says at various points about entities moving between polarities, and it actually becoming easier to switch polarity the more powerful\focused\dense the entity becomes. The underlying will to service (so to speak) doesn't go away; the manner and direction of service simply changes. Being able to switch polarities easily would probably be another signpost that a higher-D entity's direct control over their own willpower and energies is growing.
As for the gulf of indifference, I see what you mean but I don't think Ra meant it in a pejorative manner. I think it's just another way of saying "those who know not, care not," which he's also said about entities in similar circumstances.