(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Not only did the buddha after he awoke in Siddhārtha Gautama began teaching people and to give sermons. He continued to do this in many incarnations. Buddha is not a person. Buddha is a state of being, just like Christ. Just like 4th density. Jesus is not christ. Jesus became christ in the desert.
I understand. This is a key tenet of most New Age-based interpretations of these avatars. What do you think this means in Law of One terms?
For an entity to be Christ or Buddha, does that mean s/he is an adept? Has all chakras open? Or has just penetrated the veil and is dwelling in 4D...or...what?
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: He went to teach shortly after that. Jesus knew his death was required to get the message out. He was a 4d entity. He was actually killed not for being Jesus an innocent lamb, obviously not. He was dragging people away from the traditional religion. Which he clearly did not kill.
Was he dragging them from the religious customs of the day, or from reliance on rigid dogma?
I think it's the latter. Which is why I think it's tragic that followers ended up perpetuating more dogma.
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Judaism is alive and well today in many many different forms. Including my personal favourites the Rastafarians.
Wow, I am feeling very sheepish to admit this, but I didn't know Rastafarianism was a form of Judaism! :-/
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Christianity is the adopting of christ consciousness. It is the core that was heavily distorted over the years mostly due to extreme politics. But inside cloisters and monasteries the christ consciousness was passed on. Many reached sainthood. Even today this happens. But not everywhere. The vatican was probably one of the first places where the flame died to succumb to politics.
I think you guys see religion as merely a structure in spite of which enlightenment is a possibility.
I see religion as being very complex and containing all the attributes described by you, me, unity100, and everyone else who has participated in this thread. It all depends on which aspect you choose to focus on, for the sake of conversation.
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: I see it as a lineage of consciousness.
Hmmm...interesting. Do you mean as in, 1 person passing on, or awakening, consciousness in another?
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Just like every religion I studied so far turned out to be. These things are alive. They will set you on fire if you let them. And you don't even have to become a member to have that happen. It's factual, I've had spiritual experiences in different religious surroundings. And I witnessed the people with me experience the same.
I have as well. I've also had spiritual experiences, and witnessed spiritual experiences, outside religion, and even as a result of leaving organized religion behind. It can work either way.
I do agree that a religion can have a group consciousness aspect (if I'm understanding you correctly). I've long thought that those of a certain religion share a group consciousness. This is based on many observations of otherwise unexplainable phenomena.
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: You don't need to be in a religion to ignite yourself.. Certainly not these days. But it is a possibility and I am a product.
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Everyone used to use this technique, all religions have this sense of spiritual heritage. Keeping the flame alive and passing her down through history. People these days accept it with ease from pagan religions, from buddhism, hinduism, practically all occult traditions. But christianity for unclear reasons is different, it is just an empty shell of rules and has nothing to do with these teachings... This is true even to many followers. We cannot imagine our parents and grandparents and uncle bob to be members of an initiatory tradition. But they are if we look at the evidence.
Well, if mainstream Christianity has lost its heritage, it's because its religious leaders chose to eliminate it in favor of promoting superficial teachings. The older religions like Catholicism still have that heritage, to some degree. But I was brought up Catholic and no one ever taught me the mystical teachings of the rituals I participated in twice a week. (And I even attended Catholic school for 6 years!) So although it's there, the 'heritage' didn't do me any good!
A popular current trend focuses on nothing more than mere belief. Even acts of love and compassion have been downplayed in favor of just proselytizing to others, to get their ticket. Nothing more than mere belief is needed. Anyone believing differently is deemed 'satanic.' This particular flavor of Christianity, in my opinion, is so highly distorted that I've wondered what their ratio of STS graduates is!
I do see a lot of the heritage you describe in Catholicism. I have memories of reverence mixed in with the fear of hell, from my childhood.
Then there are the Gnostic Christians. They most definitely have retained their heritage. So I can see what you are referring to, in these flavors of Christianity.
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Not only does the church use the exact same form of rituals in their own initiations. They follow the exact same structure as any other tradition. I could walk you through the cathedrals here in europe and point out the occult meanings. If you are like most you don't see it until it's explained that's why it's called occultism.
Yes, I've been to some of those cathedrals! They do contain mystic symbolism and even energy vortexes. I had a spontaneous initiatory experience when I walk the path of the ruins at Glastonbury Abbey. This experience was every bit as powerful as the one I had atop Glastonbury Tor, or amongst the standing stones at Callanish, both decidedly Pagan 'sacred sites.'
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: The papal line is a line of initiation, just like the pharaoic tradition every next pope was given the "papal-consciousness" whatever they call it by the previous one..
Ali, I've been enjoying your thoughts...but I may have to part ways here. I agree that the position of pope is a succession but I'm not so sure it's an initiation, or at least not of the STO variety.

(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Signified by the transfer of a hat buddhism does it the same way. Obviously for them the flame got extinct along the way and people failed to notice. But at the same time there are people inside the church, young people old people who just like you and me here are trying to find the right path to achieve this 4d consciousness that they call communion, and in their world 2012 is called rapture, the returning of christ, the MASSIVE returning of christ consciousness!
Very true! The Truth is to be found everywhere, albeit with distortion. And people are awakening in churches, as well as without the aid of churches.
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: I cannot look at these similarities and then claim that they are somehow different. I know that most of what passes for "those big three" these days is rubble and ruins compared to what it still is in some places. Most religions really are no different. And in part this is good, this is the time of loss of structure. These structures are not required for people to reach enlightenment any more.. Some claim they once used to be, that may be true, but they clearly are not now. And we should form a new relationship to them. A more empowering one.
When I was 16 I had access to world wide communication for the first time... My first fidonet found buddy was a Singapore boy my age. He expressed his utter amazement for the compassion and love of Christianity. His buddhist parents would never be this enlightened... Of course we here think the exact opposite is true! I learned that the religion is always better on the other side of the globe.
Haha, I guess it just depends on whom you talk to! Or which books you read...
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: It may sound terrible that the Law of One may one day become a religion. But be honest, it is as important to you as a religion could be. It is to me. The Law of One taught me extremely much. I would not be at the level I am today without it.
I consider the Law of One my spiritual path, to be sure. I personally prefer to distinguish it from religion. (But that gets into our preferred semantics again.)
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Take religion from it's base as infallible, see it as a flawed human institution built around the initiatory transfer of knowledge and consciousness. And you're just about spot on. Good and bad things happen there.
I would agree with that, with the addition of the STS influences as well.
Just as many polarize STO via the vehicle of religion, so too do others polarize STS via the vehicle of religion. Religion is an equal-opportunity polarizer.

(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Absolute sweeping generalizations really never do justice to reality. I acknowledge your feelings that religion in many places has become empty, and restrictive, sometimes even evil. Please acknowledge mine that there are also still places where christ consciousness is alive. That's obviously the part I care about, the structure and empty rules can collapse for all I care.
(09-17-2010, 05:07 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: I met this woman, a catholic school teacher, exactly like you'd expect from the description. But her aura is shouting priestess. And she's demonstrating priestess qualities. She's no less than any of us. She knows christ I am absolutely convinced of this. And after she went for a few days with her group and I saw her again her consciousness had actually expanded and slowly went back to normal a week after. That's the same pattern I've seen in every religion including Sufism, my own.
I know exactly what you are referring to! I have met people exactly like that! A former co-worker comes to mind. She was a Charismatic Christian. She used to pray with me in the bathroom during our work breaks. She absolutely glowed with joy, love and compassion! And when she laid hands on me in prayer, it was every bit as powerful as the Kriya Yoga Master who gave me Shaktipat.
Conversely, I also had the experience of a mega-church pastor (whom I now have reason to think is corrupt) who laid hands on me. But it felt totally different from my Light-filled friend. This man tried to force the energy to me.
Thank you for your heartfelt post, Ali! I could really feel your passion flowing! I do see the beauty in religion. It's there along with the corruption. It's all there. But your post did a magnificent job of conveying the beauty and what your own perception of religion means to you. Thanks for sharing!