11-12-2015, 03:05 PM
Its interesting to note that Ra suggests that we experience and accept all desires rather than suppress them. If one has an enjoyment of eating meat and suppresses this desire in order to be of greater service to others , it could in turn have a trait of subtle martyrdom. However in turn you could also suggest that the harming of animals in order to forfill the desires of the self is also an negative action. Base on this action i can only assume that we will never have a direct answer to the issue while in physical incarnation, only the work of bias and faith of what we believe to be the just course of action. Both sides of the argument have equal merit in different points. I tend to go for the middle ground of being a vegetarian thus still using animal by-products but not eating any meats or fish. Although not prefect or free from suffering it seems to hold some what of a balance between the two view point. A balance of compassion and wisdom.