11-03-2015, 02:19 PM
(10-30-2015, 12:17 PM)Enyiah Wrote: I would like to explore the qualities of 'forgiveness' applicable to the World situation as we know it. There must be a way to be at peace without condoning the questionable behaviours of the 1%. I know the answer lies in higher consciousness but it doesn't solve the problems created by lower conscious states. Is there any reconciliation possible between the two? The only way possible begins with accountability! Higher consciousness/awareness is moving to correct the situations which no longer serve for the good of humanity.
I do not feel resentful, angry, fearful about the situation as it is what it is. Yet, 'blind/blanket forgiveness' is not the energy I want to offer to this combination of circumstance.
As I respond, please understand how intimately I struggle with precisely the same set of concerns and conundrums you're detailing here. I have not figured any of this out to anywhere near my own satisfaction.
One part of me says that, since the greatest service we perform is in simple being, not doing, there is no spiritual role to play other than simply witnessing the damage, mourning it deeply, and lightening the vibrations of the planet with our love and light. Any focus on what should be done is supposed to be useless, because we're not here to prevent the "1%" from overtly winning; their apparent, material primacy is the backdrop of the spiritual work in which we're engaged.
Another part of me says that, if 4D and higher entities in the confederation can resist STS forces, there must be some way we can do that with faithfulness in 3D. Perhaps there is a sense in which it is about doing positive work to counter the problems without being invested in the outcomes of the work. It would be an activist-oriented version of "forget ye the counting". There are all sorts of social and psychological ways in which we affect others without knowing it consciously, and perhaps we are to resist the negative forces best by fighting losing battles that inspire others to more permanent, long-term change. Resistance can then be loving, because it is not invested in winning, and true forgiveness and acceptance can occur.
Both of those attitudes demand a great deal of inner work to realize effectively. So great is the work that it can seem to distract from the boots-on-the-ground struggles against imminent, urgent catastrophes in the social, ecological, economic, political, etc. spheres--real areas where things are in danger of being permanently lost. Therefore, I think the best thing we can do as activists is to take care of ourselves, work on ourselves, and be examples of positivity in a struggle that can often be very embittering, disempowering, and heartbreaking.
Also, a reminder:
Ra Wrote:The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away.How can we engender a situation where the negative forces are simply no longer needed, instead of somehow defeated or merely surrendered to?