11-03-2015, 12:52 PM
(10-30-2015, 12:17 PM)Enyiah Wrote: Is there such a thing as 'blind' forgiveness? Does it depend on your perspective, your perception of reality?
Take for example what is going on in the world at this moment. The 1% of STS are purposely poisoning the air,food we breathe/eat. They stir up strife all over the world with a mindset of 'divide and conquer' and the list can go on and on. Their Agenda is known by now. How would you react if I said, 'forgive them'. Would you think it is important to do so or not? Do you think 'forgiveness' would be helpful or wasted in the situation as it stands in this present moment in history/time.
I would like to explore the qualities of 'forgiveness' applicable to the World situation as we know it. There must be a way to be at peace without condoning the questionable behaviours of the 1%. I know the answer lies in higher consciousness but it doesn't solve the problems created by lower conscious states. Is there any reconciliation possible between the two? The only way possible begins with accountability!
Higher consciousness/awareness is moving to correct the situations which no longer serve for the good of humanity.
I do not feel resentful, angry, fearful about the situation as it is what it is. Yet, 'blind/blanket forgiveness' is not the energy I want to offer to this combination of circumstance. Your thoughts on this subject are appreciated.
My perspective is this, Enyiah: I look at those whom are polarized negatively the same way I do the animal kingdom. Not in the sense that I think they are so unscrupulous they might as well be animals in some degrading sense. It's not like that, and I don't see animals as lesser anyhow (they are different than us, but not lesser) so that wouldn't make sense. But I accept them the same way I do the animal kingdom in the fact that in the animal kingdom there are a multitude of needs/wants and beings going about attempting to satisfy them.
For example, say you come across a grizzly out hiking in the forest (this is the first analogy that comes to mind to me, because I spend an inordinate amount of time in the woods). A grizzly bear can be extremely aggressive. It might even try to kill you. Is there any sense being mad about its behavior? It is simply doing that which is in its nature to do. Does that mean you let it do that which is in its nature to do (say, for example: kill and eat you)? No. You take defensive precautions (for example: I keep bear spray on me at all times when I'm hiking).
The negatively polarized are just smarter bears. They are simply doing that which is in their nature to do, as service to self entities. I neither condone, nor condemn their activities. It is what it is. And my nature is what it is. So when faced with opposing desires such as the desire to serve the whole, or the desire to serve the elite, it is no different. Each does what is in their nature to do, and there is no reconciliation between the two in the 3rd density plane of existence (until a planet is fully harvested either 4D positive or 4D negative). Thus, they each reject what the other is offering. Rejection of what the STS offers depolarizes STO slightly. Acceptance of the STO refusal to be controlled depolarizes STS slightly. This is the game of potentials of 3rd density.
So in terms of forgiveness of them it is simply not required on my part because I don't hold anything against them. Well, that is the ideal. Personally, obviously, it is a lot more challenging to maintain this kind of objectivity when these proverbial smarter bears are making my personal life difficult, but that is the nature of day to day catalyst and personal balancing.