10-31-2015, 04:56 PM
Quote:Elros Tar-Minyatur :I am not sure what is inferred by ''conflict between truthful expressions of ourselves''. I guess the meaning would go somewhat like this; there is no good or bad, we are all aspects of the One Creator experiencing Itself.
The paradox lies in that self is among self, and as such it creates conflict between truthful expressions of ourselves despite everything being One.
I'd view a blind forgiveness as faith that any other-self is you, and that you deserve to be loved.
So....The other selves (1%) (which is also myself) is behaving very badly towards their (other selves/humanity) and they deserve to be loved because they are also myself.
Is there any other way to deal with this reality without giving allowance for the abuse to continue?
I know, free will...so I guess, in the end we do NOTHING and blame Source.
How about we become responsible for a change and make the world a better place? Do we not have a part to play? I think so.
I suppose I am viewing the problem from a 3D perspective and it is out of context as per higher density vision, I get it.
Which leads me to this question, ''where am I''?