(10-25-2015, 11:02 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: 1111 likes given AND received, very nice.
I like to think it comes down to the ol', you got a group of people in the trail of a subway train, and you have a lever to switch the track to a path with only one person, someone will die. What do you do?
Well, if the single person is a psychopathic killer and the group of people are his/her victims, what would you do Min?
Like anything else, I'd let my intuition guide me. I guess saving the bigger amount of people is most likely whether the single person is a killer or a saint.
Maybe fate would want me to save the killer because the act of compassion would bring great changes to his soul, who knows.
Btw I get it's an analogy but other than a situation where I'd be put in a situation where the choice is somehow given to me, the experiences of others are their own.