10-23-2015, 02:12 PM
I will share my opinion the best I can to help clarify my viewpoint but I can't make you see it my way. I can't really offer a way to lessen the degree of suffering of the world in your eyes. That is not what I have done for myself.
When I run across specific instances of suffering, I contemplate it deeply. If it is reasonably possible to render aid, I will consider doing so. If I cannot help, I consider / digest the situation the best I can. I then 'zoom out' and see the forest through the trees (the big picture). "This enity has chosen some harsh catalyst for itself. This must be a critical lesson that it's oversoul must learn. Without the catalyst and without the veil, this entity would learn this catalyst at the snail's pace." I then offer my (silent) blessing that I hope the entity perceives and processes the specific catalyst as such so the catalyst is no longer necessary and ceases permanently. I find that more appropriate and effective than offering the entity a blessing to simply cease the harsh catalyst, which would only be a temporary respite if the catalyst is not perceived as such.
I can't stress enough the critical elements to my viewpoint:
Suffering pales in comparison without the veil compared to suffering with the veil because the entity does not automatically know it and all entities are the Creator. However, learning without the veil is incredibility slow. A lesson learned with the veil might take only a few months / years / lifetimes. The same lesson could take hundreds / thousands / millions of years through an unbelievable number of incarnations.
If you only focus on the challenges that arise in the short term (the trees) and never zoom out and see the big picture (the beautiful forest) that the oversoul is consciously choosing the catalyst for it's individual incarnations so it might progress, of course all you will perceive is suffering.
When I run across specific instances of suffering, I contemplate it deeply. If it is reasonably possible to render aid, I will consider doing so. If I cannot help, I consider / digest the situation the best I can. I then 'zoom out' and see the forest through the trees (the big picture). "This enity has chosen some harsh catalyst for itself. This must be a critical lesson that it's oversoul must learn. Without the catalyst and without the veil, this entity would learn this catalyst at the snail's pace." I then offer my (silent) blessing that I hope the entity perceives and processes the specific catalyst as such so the catalyst is no longer necessary and ceases permanently. I find that more appropriate and effective than offering the entity a blessing to simply cease the harsh catalyst, which would only be a temporary respite if the catalyst is not perceived as such.
I can't stress enough the critical elements to my viewpoint:
Suffering pales in comparison without the veil compared to suffering with the veil because the entity does not automatically know it and all entities are the Creator. However, learning without the veil is incredibility slow. A lesson learned with the veil might take only a few months / years / lifetimes. The same lesson could take hundreds / thousands / millions of years through an unbelievable number of incarnations.
If you only focus on the challenges that arise in the short term (the trees) and never zoom out and see the big picture (the beautiful forest) that the oversoul is consciously choosing the catalyst for it's individual incarnations so it might progress, of course all you will perceive is suffering.