(10-22-2015, 05:22 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: I just feel perplexed. More and more...
I've been going through a lot of what you wrestle with as well, especially with the "This is how this stuff all works?" end of things, because a lot of it just starts to sound bizarre and cruel the more and more you consider it. I think our relationship to those explanations serve a part of ourselves and then may no longer serve us. The philosophy may remain somewhat, but what we do with it and how we put it out there begins to change, in my experience.
I'm flirting with the idea that all of this is simply the beginning of opening up the heart-center to more of its true-color expression..that we're only just beginning to learn how to feel and make sense of things on a deeper level. Whereas before, it was more of a thinking approach. The irony is that when you step back and look at it all, it seems as if we're coming full-circle..back to the energy of "None of this makes sense..what kind of harsh environment are we living in?" that got us here in the first place. So there is some kind of fluctuation going on that is peculiar.
And perhaps it's not peculiar, but almost to be expected. We move over to one side and look at things from that angle, and then are drawn back to the other side to examine all that was gained over there and consider it from a new perspective.