The Tired Philosopher,
You are clearly in a very distraught state of mind and your post, and ideas contained therein, are a prime example of why the human vantage point is such a warped one. It is like looking through beer goggles. The world looks like a very misshapen place from that perspective.
Rather than approach your post, point by point, and try to dissect your thought processes, I'm going to do something else, something that I've tried to do with you in another thread. And that is to direct your mind away from thought for a while. I'm going to make some statements that I feel are true within me, and I want you to look inside yourself, and simply try to feel in your heart if they are true or not. If there is one thing that life has taught me it is that, if something doesn't feel right, doesn't look right, it probably isn't right. And human thought, no matter how eloquently fashioned, will distort the truth, because the yellow ray perspective is just like the beer goggles. You have to go beyond that perspective to see things how they really are. And then, when you are looking at the world through your heart, instead of your mind, you will see that ALL IS WELL, and always has been.
I believe that we are all one. And that our core nature is well being, security, love, power, and peace.
I believe that we are all free, and that any point of consciousness can choose what it creates by focusing on what it wants to experience.
I believe that anytime a being experiences that which it does not want, it then knows more clearly what it does want, and explores the other side of that equation in either in this incarnation or the next.
I believe that all disharmony is the result of focusing in opposition to what I really want, and that harmony is the natural state because all is one, and oneness cannot act against itself.
I believe that this disharmony serves a valuable purpose, because it births the desires for new and varied experiences, which we may then align to, and experience the benefits of.
I believe that creation is the most fundamental desire, and the one that brings the most satisfaction, because it is the purpose of life. To create, and then to share our creation is one of the most fundamentally satisfying things we can do as creators.
I believe that we focus some circumstances into being before we get here, but then continue to mold the clay of our lives as we live it by what we focus on and come into resonance with.
I believe that when I'm focused on what I desire, I will feel the glowing well being inside me that is my core nature, because I am not focused in opposition to who I have become as a result of experience.
I believe that every point of consciousness in existence has the ability to consult the guidance within, in the form of emotion, and come into harmony with it. Humans have the hardest time with this, because of the veil, which is why we go to such excruciating lengths to understand thing intellectually, rather than finding the inner knowing within.
I believe that when I am unperturbed within myself, and at peace, the universe can begin to reveal its clarity, its peace, well being, and beauty to me in ways more individually tailored and synchronistic and better than I could have possibly dreamed of.
I believe that things are essentially simple in nature, and that things only seem complicated when we out of touch with the well being of the universe.
I believe that there is no opposite to love, simply resistance to love. When resistance is released, love is the default.
I believe that all is well, and furthermore, believe that you and I are one, and that all beings are my spiritual family forever.
You are clearly in a very distraught state of mind and your post, and ideas contained therein, are a prime example of why the human vantage point is such a warped one. It is like looking through beer goggles. The world looks like a very misshapen place from that perspective.
Rather than approach your post, point by point, and try to dissect your thought processes, I'm going to do something else, something that I've tried to do with you in another thread. And that is to direct your mind away from thought for a while. I'm going to make some statements that I feel are true within me, and I want you to look inside yourself, and simply try to feel in your heart if they are true or not. If there is one thing that life has taught me it is that, if something doesn't feel right, doesn't look right, it probably isn't right. And human thought, no matter how eloquently fashioned, will distort the truth, because the yellow ray perspective is just like the beer goggles. You have to go beyond that perspective to see things how they really are. And then, when you are looking at the world through your heart, instead of your mind, you will see that ALL IS WELL, and always has been.
I believe that we are all one. And that our core nature is well being, security, love, power, and peace.
I believe that we are all free, and that any point of consciousness can choose what it creates by focusing on what it wants to experience.
I believe that anytime a being experiences that which it does not want, it then knows more clearly what it does want, and explores the other side of that equation in either in this incarnation or the next.
I believe that all disharmony is the result of focusing in opposition to what I really want, and that harmony is the natural state because all is one, and oneness cannot act against itself.
I believe that this disharmony serves a valuable purpose, because it births the desires for new and varied experiences, which we may then align to, and experience the benefits of.
I believe that creation is the most fundamental desire, and the one that brings the most satisfaction, because it is the purpose of life. To create, and then to share our creation is one of the most fundamentally satisfying things we can do as creators.
I believe that we focus some circumstances into being before we get here, but then continue to mold the clay of our lives as we live it by what we focus on and come into resonance with.
I believe that when I'm focused on what I desire, I will feel the glowing well being inside me that is my core nature, because I am not focused in opposition to who I have become as a result of experience.
I believe that every point of consciousness in existence has the ability to consult the guidance within, in the form of emotion, and come into harmony with it. Humans have the hardest time with this, because of the veil, which is why we go to such excruciating lengths to understand thing intellectually, rather than finding the inner knowing within.
I believe that when I am unperturbed within myself, and at peace, the universe can begin to reveal its clarity, its peace, well being, and beauty to me in ways more individually tailored and synchronistic and better than I could have possibly dreamed of.
I believe that things are essentially simple in nature, and that things only seem complicated when we out of touch with the well being of the universe.
I believe that there is no opposite to love, simply resistance to love. When resistance is released, love is the default.
I believe that all is well, and furthermore, believe that you and I are one, and that all beings are my spiritual family forever.