10-13-2015, 04:26 AM
(10-13-2015, 12:59 AM)Aion Wrote: TTP, how do you generate work in consciousness with Service to All? How does the One Infinite, the I, generate work in service to itself (which in defining the singular path as Service to All you essentially define the OIC as self-serving since it is the All)?
The OIC isn't in my mind. Of polarity. So it can't be anything but itself.
Service to All is the same. You are not providing the best you can provide if you are not being yourself.
What that means to you is for you. You've got labels/tools to make sense of yourself. You've got distortions to utilize and use.
Service to All doesn't generate work in Consciousness unless it properly follows the designed intelligent means of doing such in a positive or negative way as Ra describes for the Positive Path and as some describe of the negative path.
Describe is such a bad word to use though. To de-scribe. The act of such is closer to the opposite occurring. As you describe you create the potential for scribing to occur.
Instead the best way to polarize in anyway is to not follow described things as such, but to give meaning of such to yourself and scribe for yourself from that de-scription your own scriptures on yourself that is as you most want to 'Just Be'
IN SHORT: HOW?: Just Be You.
Don't go way out of your way if you don't want to. Don't fall prey to STO guilt by not saying no where you are supposed to. Don't fall prey to STS guilt where you believe yourself a label that is not you.
The energetic balancing Ra describes essentially helps us do that.
Its why I say There is no other path in my mind. All paths ARE this path. Its not about one or another. Its about all.
All is what this is, there is no separation.
There is no positive/negative that is separately positive/negative. They can't exist without the other, they are different in subtle ways. Nothing else.
Its why subtlety is supposed to be explored, not macroscopic GOOD and BAD, but the subtle microscopic As and Is.
What is as is? Everything. If everything is as is, everything is singular. If everything is as is and singular, everything is indifferent. Don't judge a book by its cover/dont judge a creation|creator by its looks.
Just Be (and EnJoy)