10-12-2015, 05:31 PM
(10-12-2015, 04:31 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I always wondered why Ra said we have to consciously realize we do not understand in order to be harvestable. Is it because of pride that would come if you said you understood? Does pride factor in?
Or is there something more metaphysical saying we do not understand?
My stab at an answer: understanding is not possible in 3D because of the veil; Ra says as much. Therefore if you think you understand, you are really still asleep and buying into the mythology within the dream (e.g., scientific explanation of reality, where matter is all that exists).
To awaken means to transcend this - to give up the familiar but wrong explanations, and to realize that we know very little of what reality truly looks like without the funny 3D goggles.