09-13-2010, 08:54 AM
For me it was about integration. It took me some 30 years before I let my guard down and allowed Earth energies in. Then it's about balancing those energies. So that's good, while we're here, it's good to make the most of it. Ra said that we fought to get here, and it's a rare opportunity for such learning.
(09-10-2010, 05:45 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Perhaps home is a state of mind?
For me at least finding home was settling on earth. I always had the feeling I belonged elsewhere.. And had tremendous homesickness. Until for some reason I just figured out that to be home you have to make here your home. And the people here your people. That kind of resolved it for me.
Sure they're not perfect... But it is my home and I no longer feel homesick.