09-11-2010, 01:06 AM
Hey Quantum,
It seems your question revolves around why (at least in 3rd density) STS entities seem to get off easy and in the fullness of time get to the same place as STO entities who it seems get a slightly more difficult time in 3rd density.
(NB I’ve centered this around 3rd density, since I have no experience of higher densities from which to draw)
I know I quote stuff a lot but I’ve always found the following transcript from Q’uo helpful:
I recommend the entire transcript
So to answer your question, at least in 3rd density, STS entities seem to have it easy, but apparently it become more difficult to progress along this path in the higher densities whilst I’m guessing STO entities plod along at a smooth pace.
So it all balances itself out, though I suppose since were in 3rd density with a veil over our eyes it does seem a little biased.
It seems your question revolves around why (at least in 3rd density) STS entities seem to get off easy and in the fullness of time get to the same place as STO entities who it seems get a slightly more difficult time in 3rd density.
(NB I’ve centered this around 3rd density, since I have no experience of higher densities from which to draw)
I know I quote stuff a lot but I’ve always found the following transcript from Q’uo helpful:
Quote:Now we return to a view of how to deal with negative entities. As a positively polarized person living a life in faith, one is prone to feel safe in the arms of the good, the true, and the beautiful. However, the entity upon the negative path feels that there is no safety, feels that there is no haven, feels that it and only it shall be the one to be counted upon and relied upon. Therefore, this entity wishes to build personal power with a greater initial reason and impetus for building a magical personality. Furthermore, this magical personality is simpler to build that the positively oriented magical personality. The negative entity need only attempt to accrete to the self all possible power of any kind whatsoever without the need for discrimination or judgment. The positively polarized entity, instead, is moving through processes of balancing the seemingly opposite of all things to ascertain the most careful balance of truth, of beauty, and of goodness. For to the positively oriented entity it is clear that the illusion has the appearance of a bias toward negative events and circumstances. In order to clarify right action and the positive use of power careful balancing of all stimulus needs must be done.
Thus each of you has the seemingly more difficult task in living a chosen life of faith, for both paths are given by the One Infinite Creator. Although the Creator offers suggestions implicit in experience that the positive path of serving others is preferable and more to be desired, the negative path beckons and it also is, as this instrument would say, godly in that there is no energy but that of the One Infinite Creator. Further, the nature of your experience in third density offers simpler beginnings to a metaphysical base of power for those which choose negativity. What is not obvious is that the negative path becomes more and more difficult until at last it is a road impossible to be walked, whereas the positive path is eternal
...In the case of the very few who have the energy and endurance to pursue the path of control over others to the point where they are able directly to contact metaphysical sources of negativity the situation, while no less solvable, is not as easy and as simple to deal with from the standpoint of the one greeted. Again in the unthinking person of third density the response to perceived attack is counter attack. It takes a good deal of wisdom to be able calmly and objectively to gaze upon the face of malevolence, for those who have contacted those metaphysical sources which are of fourth density have garnered to themselves two things: firstly, a third-density personality within incarnation and sureness and confidence that there is in such entity a true blackness of spirit, a honed hatred which sees no shadows. The positive path is full of shadows, of questions and doubts, of continual learning and balance. The choice for positivity is not the choice for simplicity of early lessons. The choice for negativity is a choice for simplicity of early lessons. Thusly an entity which is negative has an apparent advantage once it has progressed to a certain point of being absolutely sure of the self without the need for faith, whereas the positively polarized entity is still dealing with the endless and confusing shadows of the spiritual landscape which is lit by the dim star of hope and the thin delicate moonlight of faith.
I recommend the entire transcript
So to answer your question, at least in 3rd density, STS entities seem to have it easy, but apparently it become more difficult to progress along this path in the higher densities whilst I’m guessing STO entities plod along at a smooth pace.
So it all balances itself out, though I suppose since were in 3rd density with a veil over our eyes it does seem a little biased.