10-02-2015, 07:49 AM
I'm just curious to see if your ways match mine. I'm not schizophrenic (as far as I know) but I get voices of grand love and kindness and others of grand doubt.
All this talk of performing alchemy and all I can do is sit with my voices as if they were I and get to know them. I wish it was as simple as thinking or being a certain way to transmute.
I can't even ask a voice 'Who are you' because I never get an answer I won't doubt. Instead I'm stuck with, I hear really loving voices, and a few really devious ones. They're all helpful, and even agree to be I, but can't answer because of myself.
Just leaves me flustered o:
All this talk of performing alchemy and all I can do is sit with my voices as if they were I and get to know them. I wish it was as simple as thinking or being a certain way to transmute.
I can't even ask a voice 'Who are you' because I never get an answer I won't doubt. Instead I'm stuck with, I hear really loving voices, and a few really devious ones. They're all helpful, and even agree to be I, but can't answer because of myself.
Just leaves me flustered o: