(09-22-2015, 01:48 AM)Aion Wrote: Aren't predators brutal more often than not? How else do you kill something with crude weapons like teeth and claws?
Yes they are. But they have No choice. They must hunt for survival. We do have choice, and we don't need to kill animals for survival.
(09-22-2015, 01:48 AM)Aion Wrote: So who exactly decides that need or necessity?
It's a simple matter of survival vs "liking the taste of bacon."
(09-22-2015, 01:48 AM)Aion Wrote: My problem with most studies is that they make sweeping generalizations about the human body. I just don't believe there is a 'standard' and so any attempt to make a general statement of necessity will be short-sighted. I don't say this to refute the suggestions, just that this is my issue with the apparent science which supposedly 'proves' the lack of necessity.
It's just simple chemistry. All foods have nutrients. It is a known fact which nutrients are required by the human body. All nutrients needed by the human body are found in plants, except B12, which is synthesized in the human gut by bacteria found in dirt. So vegans can either eat dirty vegetables OR wash them and take a cheap B12 supplement. No generalizations here at all. The human body doesn't need meat or dairy. This is irrefutably proven by science.
Some people might think they need meat and/or dairy, but biologically, they don't.
(09-22-2015, 01:48 AM)Aion Wrote: You see, I am working hard to balance my compassion between humans and animals. I don't think it's as simple as avoidance of harm for myself because I see it that wherever I am avoiding harm in one way I am probably causing it in another. Some here have already decided for themselves which harm is more of a priority to prevent. I am still finding that balance.
Going vegan doesn't just help animals. It helps the person because it's healthier. Statistically, vegans have a much lower risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, obesity, etc. So it definitely serves self to go vegan. Many people switch to a plant-based diet for selfish reasons: they want the health benefits.
Going vegan also helps the plants, because it takes an enormous amount of plant food to feed farm animals. So anyone who cares about plants can do less harm by going vegan.
Going vegan helps the planet, because the meat/dairy industry is the single largest contributor to destroying the planet through deforestation, greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Plus water shortage: For example, in California, during this drought, half of the water usage is in the meat/dairy industry.
Going vegan can also help end world hunger because all that food that was being fed to the farm animals can feed starving children instead.
So...going vegan helps self, animals, plants, people, and the planet.
That sounds like a win-win-win-win-win to me!
(09-22-2015, 01:48 AM)Aion Wrote: The thing is that I feel like I'm supposed to want to avoid harm for the sake of 'evolution', but it doesn't make sense to me to do that unless it is actually something I genuinely feel directed towards of my own volition and the truth is, I don't. Maybe I am truly self-serving, but the fact is that I don't see it as being a genuine service unless it is from the heart and my current philosophy isn't shaped in a way that does that. This, if I was to change simple because I feel I'm 'supposed' to, I think I would lose polarity because I would neither be serving the other genuinely nor serving myself and so there will be no charge.
Doing something just to polarize won't help one polarize and might even cause one to polarize in the opposite direction.
I understand your dilemma and don't have an answer for you, other than to suggest pondering this:
We are in the density of Choice. Each of us is the Event Horizon. When we make a Choice, the Universe will rearrange itself to accommodate our Choice.
Choice is the first step!
(09-22-2015, 01:48 AM)Aion Wrote: Maybe in the end I am just an exceptionally self-service individual. I guess it's not so bad being evil.
You're here, and seem to be struggling with this issue. If you were truly evil, I don't think you'd even be having this conversation.