09-17-2015, 07:42 PM
(09-17-2015, 03:23 PM)Aion Wrote: Well the person could give the jackets away, or make them for themselves, or do other things with the leather. However, is there no recognition then for the capacity of the leather jacket to create a lifetime of added warmth to an individual, is that not a service?
For old leather jackets, of course. I recently cleaned out my closet and donated several bags of clothing and old leather shoes. Those cows are long dead so someone might as well wear those shoes.
But I won't be buying any more leather items! The distinction lies in whether we continue to add to the demand for more killing of animals.
If we decide to buy new items to donate to needy people, it's just as easy (and probably cheaper anyway) to buy clothing from other materials, rather than animal body parts.
(09-17-2015, 03:10 PM)upensmoke Wrote: Again, the focus seem centralized on this fearful idea of killing. I'm not saying killing isn't a horrific thing, but I also have to question why it also appears to be so normal in nature.
Because this planet is a school for juvenile delinquents, remember? It's rather backwards, and quite, as Ra said, bellicose.
...with a strong potentiality to continue to be controlled by STS entities.
That's why.
(09-17-2015, 03:10 PM)upensmoke Wrote: Every time an animal dies by the hands of a human it is a form of sacrificial blood magic. That energy would normally be picked up by the wise Magician but since those are scarce in society it is picked up by those adepts who are able to draw in and work with scattered energy or at least that would be true if not for the fact that there are groups of negative adepts on the planet which take and direct this energy in to many structures of mental control and impressioning through fear, panic and the like.
Factory farms are massive sacrificial grounds where raw life energy is harvested. Even better is that cognitive dissonance is created so that people feel guilty about it. Once people feel guilty they then will soak up all of that nasty energy like sponges and then started to exhude it themselves, providing a nice steady stream of fear, pain and discomfort to those waiting entities who feed on this energy.
You just described it accurately, except that most of the negative energy is coming from the victims themselves, Not from the people who eat the meat, being that most people who eat those animals don't feel guilt. But yes, it's a massive blood sacrifice ritual!! Do you not see that this is exactly the description of 'black' magick? Ie. STS?
So here we have this massive STS ritual going on, every single day. How can anyone Not see that this is keeping our planet stuck in the muck?