(09-06-2015, 03:09 PM)Aion Wrote: My thought is, are you sure you're not just projecting your own perception of negativity on to the book? I'm not saying there aren't horrible things in the book, but there are also good things in it subject to the observer who chooses what to see.
I am a fan of the Gospel of John, I think it's actually the only 'true' gospel or at least the closest to it. I might mention on that note is for the set up of the Ra contact she had her bible opened to the first pages of the Gospel of John.
I'm sure you've read the Gospel of John so surely you can see, especially in the first page or so, a deep pronunciation of the Law of One as all things stemming from a single source and all things become real through Light. The King James version is also a Frankenstein version of the Bible and is so corrupted and changed that it hardly is representative of the Bible itself. It's just the one most are familiar with.
My Oma has a bible called The Living Bible and everything in it has been reworked and reworded to produce much more positive philosophy. You can literally feel the light and love connected with this bible, not in small part by my Oma's immense dedication to Love and her many notes. I'll be inheriting it one day. Of course, my Oma is not at ALL a 'bible Christian', she is hardly a Christian, I'd more just consider her as someone with a philosophy of Love and who believes in seeing the Creator in all, however she is a great example of how something seemingly negative can be given a major positive charge.
It's just a catalyst. You choose whether you make positive or negative use of it.
I most definitely have a negative view of the Christian bible (for very good reason). But I have no need to project anything onto it. It stands by itself as a compilation of horrors. I am not suggesting there is NOTHING of value in it, but what may be found of positive value, in my opinion, is so small compared to the horrors it seems absurd to me that a person would use energy trying to make the bible a source of enlightenment.
That is not to say that we can't find value in anything/everything. And, one can look at anything and perhaps extract "pearls of wisdom." Also, as a philosophical study of various historical texts, it is another scripture to ponder and pull threads that align throughout many disparate documents. But to take the text as a whole and study it trying to read between the lines or rework it, is not something I would want to spend any time on. I have read some reinterpretations of the bible from a "new age" perspective, but honestly, what is the value of that?
One could rewrite the Ra Material trying to fit it into a perspective that aligns more closely with one's current understandings. In general, I don't see the point.
For an alchemist, I can understand the desire to transmute the negative energy of the bible. But what does one do with all the horrible violence? Killing children, babies, animals, pregnant women, sons who talk back to their parents, on and on and on. How does one transform that? Is there any way to see that in an STO light? If one were to use the bible, particularly the old testament and God as a role model, it might work as a guide for STS behavior.
You are correct in your last statement, but I am not talking about my own catalyst. I have a handle on that and I can be my own observer. I am talking about a religious text that countless people follow and most of them blindly. And I am wondering why these people want to do anything, including rewriting and reworking it, to retain its importance. I feel that anyone—including Carla—who hangs onto the bible must be using an enormous amount of energy to see it in an STO (or as Christians say, God is love) light, or derive much from it that resembles love.
I agree that Carla must have been extremely pure in intention that Ra could actually come through her considering this. I have wondered if there wasn't some duality present with Don, being empirically oriented and Carla, being spiritually oriented, and the binding factor being a high level of intelligence in both of them.