(09-05-2015, 03:05 AM)Aion Wrote: Well, because Ra is narrow-band and had to blend their own distortions with Carla's.
I wish I could find that old thread, in which a B4 member, Tenet Nosce, proposed a radically different interpretation of what Ra meant by 'narrow-band contact.' Tenet completely blew my mind with the audaciousness of his interpretation! The idea had never occurred to me before! Which was that, rather than being very focused in its objective of channeling only the highest of concepts, as I had thought Ra meant by 'narrow-band', Tenet suggested that Carla's challenging of Ra in the name of Christ and her devotion to the bible, were actually limitations imposed on Ra, which actually may have distorted the contact.
I found this idea very radical, but worth considering.
I don't think the contact got distorted, but it may have been limited, which is an different thing entirely, but still affected the end result.
(09-05-2015, 03:05 AM)Aion Wrote: Both polarities were possible before the veil.
Polarity has nothing to do with the veil. Polarity existed before the veil and exists after the veil. The veil just affects our ability to polarize, not polarity itself.